Sánchez supports the victims of Ukraine in an act with victims of terrorism: “Killing is just killing”

03/09/2022 at 19:35


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has sent a message of solidarity with those who died and those affected by the war in Ukraine in an act with victims of terrorism, recalling the words of the daughter of Fernando Buesa, assassinated by ETA. “Killing is just killing, pointlessly causing pain and nothing more,” he has quoted.

In this way, the president has shown his support for the “victims of another unreason” such as the “unjust and criminal” war in Ukraine initiated by the invasion ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I want to express our support and our wishes to restore peace soon,” he added.

Sánchez has pronounced the complete words of Sara Buesa: “Remembering my father also means remembering how he died, there was nothing heroic or patriotic about that. Killing is just killing take a person’s life, uselessly cause pain and nothing else,” he said.

Previously, Sánchez had delivered the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Civil Recognition to the Victims of Terrorism to the relatives of the journalists David Beriain and Roberto Fraile, in an act of homage to the victims of terrorism, held at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

This is one of the tributes that are made every year close to the anniversary of March 11, European Day for Victims of Terrorism. This year marks the 18th anniversary of the March 11 attacks in Madrid in which 192 people died and around two thousand were injured.

The same distinction has been given to the families of Alberto Chavez Gomez and Maria Gonzalez Vicente, deceased in the terrorist attack committed in Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019 and those of Antonio Cesar Fernandez Fernandez, priest who died in the terrorist attack committed in Nohao (Burkina Faso) on February 15, 2019.

Terrorism as a threat

On the other hand, Sánchez has pointed out that terrorism continues to be a threat “of the first order” for social and legal states like Spain and for the values ​​it represents: democracy, freedom, tolerance and respect.

In this sense, he added that terrorism is a threat “within and without our expanded borders” and this is what leads to defending these values ​​in other countries such as Mozambique or the Sahel region where Spain carries out anti-terrorist training to support these states that terrorism wants to destabilize and also as preventive acts.

Sánchez has indicated that he is aware that the pain of the loss of these people cannot be repaired but that with this act he intends “humbly” Accompany the memory and pain of the loss of these relatives and claim their memory.

preserve memory

“The consequences painful terrorism we see here in the tears of some family members who move us every time we listen to them and in the faces of family and friends“, Has expressed.

Finally, he underlined that the victims of terrorism are one of the fundamental ethical pillars of the Democratic system and they represent the values ​​that terrorists seek to destroy.

Thus, he has indicated that his memory must be preserved so that future generations are aware of the seriousness of what happened and of the pain that it causes to society and that therefore they can prevent what has happened in the past from happening.
