Sánchez stands on the good economic data: “Our league is management”

Pedro Sánchez has suddenly begun to collect some of the pending invoices. Due to the inevitable economic recession derived from the war in Ukraine, due to the drop in employment after the rise in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage or because the revaluation of pensions based on the CPI was going to unbalance the accounts. The President of the Government has finished his days of Easter holidays and this Monday he has entered fully in the campaign of the regional and municipal elections with a rally in Segovia to support the socialist mayoress. They are no longer just events on weekends, during these last weeks of sprinting he will intensify his schedule.

And, with a broad stroke, Sánchez has made memories to replicate the predictions of economic “apocalypse” which, he said, augured “the right and the extreme right”. “Seeing the hotel occupancy rates, the terraces are overflowingthe beaches up to the flag this Easter there has been a success for the country and a resounding failure of what catastrophism always invokes”. After her, no one knew how the confinement break was going to be overcome.From the efforts of the businessmen, the workers, the regional and local administration but also from the policy of the Executive, defended the president, who “helped the companies with the ICO credits , protected employees with the ERTE and gave direct aid to the self-employed.

“It’s no coincidence,” he said, because “later we went to Brussels to get European funds” and make tourism, one of the main economic engines of this country, more “competitive.” And “we have launched a labor reform, agreed with employers and unions, which has meant that 46.7% of the contracts signed in March are indefinite.” Thanks to this “stability” “pensions have been able to rise.” That is why he maintained that in the May elections “our league is management, respond to people’s problems. “The league of tension, of noise,” she added, “we leave it to the right and the extreme right.”

The head of the Executive thus condensed two of the main ideas of the socialist campaign: the management of the Government and the threat of the PP and Vox pacts. He later rounded it off with the argument that in the face of a crisis “completely different responses can be given”, referring to his permanent comparison between what the PP did after the great crisis of 2008 and what the PSOE has done now. But he also did it, remembering that these two parties have not been correct in any of their forecasts. As if the increase in the interprofessional minimum wage was going to destroy jobs and, he stressed, 1,100 more jobs have been created in March than before the pandemic. Or that the increase in pensions was going to “unbalance the accounts, when we are reducing the deficit.”

Boos from a group of young people

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His balance met with a spontaneous response in the public, precisely when he mentioned that the vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardo, has asked young people to reflect on whether CO2 is polluting. Several people began to rebuke him, including a woman who blamed him for the turn of her government over the Sahara. They were just a group of young people to whom Sánchez replied that “we do not insult anyone, we defend our positions with respect and education.” After a moment of tension and exchange of reproaches, the meeting continued its course.

And he continued to give Sánchez the opportunity to defend that there are many differences between the social policy of the PSOE and the PP when they are in government. “If we consider that health, education, dependency aid or pensions must be defended, this is the party that defends what the majority thinks.” “To mobilize and win.” The call to the party and to the voters has only just begun. “In such an eventful legislature, with a pandemic and a war, if we have done all this, imagine what we can do with the wind in our favor.”
