Sánchez recalls the PP’s negotiation with ETA to try to stop the debate on EH Bildu

He Senate face to face this Tuesday will take time to forget. With great tension and some heavy silences in their interventions, Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo launched arguments to defend their respective positions in the debate that is monopolizing the start of this electoral campaign: the inclusion in the EH Bildu lists of 44 people sentenced for belonging to ETA and the parliamentary support that this aberzale formation has given to the central government this legislature.

The popular warn that they will continue with this debate until the other 37 candidates condemned for their relationship with the band also resign

The scuffle between the two main leaders came hours after EH Bildu promised that seven of the 44 candidates, those who served sentences for having committed blood crimes, would resign from being councilors. Feijóo took the floor first and demanded that the other 37 also follow the same path. “You have been more generous with the executioners than with the victims (…) It seems good to him that those who pulled the trigger leave and those who gave them the guns stay,” he continued, referring to the 37 candidates. The head of the opposition closed his first speech by asking Sánchez if he plans to stop relying on EH Bildu in Congress to push forward with his parliamentary initiatives.

The president of the Government He didn’t mention that issue (“Bildu hasn’t touched a hair”, said those from Feijóo later) and he went out diligently to try to close this debate that the PP is getting so much profit from this start of the campaign. The chief executive took the floor and told Feijóo to get ready to hear a few “truths”. Sánchez recalled the negotiation with ETA of the Government of Jose Maria Aznar shortly after the gang assassinated Miguel Ángel Blanco, the approaches of ETA members to prisons in the Basque Country ordered by the then leader of the PP and his “lie” in the attacks of March 11, 2004.

19 years ago, in the first hours after the tragedy in which almost 200 people died, the Aznar government tried to make believe that the multiple attack against the trains It was authored by ETA and not by Al Qaeda. There were general elections three days later.

The President of the Government did not want to stay with “truths & rdquor; Aznar’s stage, he also collected statements from members of the PP who are now in Feijóo’s team: Javier Maroto, party spokesperson in the Senate, and Borja Semper, campaign spokesperson. “You are cynics & rdquor ;, she said. From Maroto, Sánchez recalled a phrase from when he was mayor of Vitoria: “My legs do not tremble for reaching agreements with Bildu.” De Sémper, a deputy in the Basque Parliament for many years, rescued this other: “The important thing is that ETA has ended. The sooner we change the chip, the sooner we can build the future, which we will also have to build with Bildu”. “Are you ones cynical”, he repeated.

“When in Spain ETA is nothing, for you ETA is everything,” Sánchez added at another time. According to the leader of the socialists, the popular do not support that ETA terrorism ended when there were socialist leaders in Moncloa (José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero), the Ministry of the Interior (Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba) and Euskadi (Patxi López).

Comparison with Married

The words of the President of the Government come to be a punch on the table. The Socialists want to consider this controversy settled after the resignation of the seven EH Bildu candidates with blood crimes. Sources from Moncloa consider that Feijóo is falling “at the level of Casado& rdquor; and demonstrates “vileness and moral turpitude & rdquor; because “It has nothing to offer & rdquor ;. Regarding the 37 candidates who have not resigned, these sources assure that the Government would like them not to be there and that EH Bildu has “a long way to go to be a normalized party & rdquor ;.

“The president has had to tell Feijóo the historical truth of his party, something that the leader of the PP always forgets, whoever he is & rdquor ;, they concluded in the leadership of the PSOE. For the socialists, the retreat given by Bildu, leaves “without a campaign& rdquor; to the leader of the PP.

The attack against Aznar

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They do not see it that way in Feijóo’s team, where it is assured that they will continue to denounce the presence of the other 37 candidates. Sources close to the PP leader regret that “red lines have been crossed” and that the socialist leader even criticized Aznar, “who had a bomb placed under his car.” ETA attacked the leader of the PP in 1995 when he was leader of the opposition. Senior conservative officials assure that this matter “demobilizes & rdquor; to the socialist electorate because it takes away their desire to vote for the PSOE.

The resignation of the seven EH Bildu candidates who had committed blood crimes was seen as “an important step& rdquor; by the general secretary of Podemos and minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra. The spokesman for the PNV, Aitor Esteban, was more critical when assuring that the release of the seven convicted of blood crimes is a “electoral calculation” more than an “ethical decision”.
