Sánchez promises his position before the King and activates the formation of the government

Pedro Sánchez has already promised his position as President of the Government before the King after be invested yesterday by a majority of 179 votes in Congress. After his appointment was made official in the BOE, the head of the Executive completed the last step of the institutional process at 10:00 this morning from which the formation of the new Government will be accelerated.

The formula that the President of the Government has chosen is that of promise, as on the two previous occasions. This has been the third inauguration of the leader of the socialists. Sánchez has committed, before a copy of the Constitution, to “fulfill the obligations of the position, with loyalty to the King, as well as to preserve and ensure the preservation of the Constitution as a fundamental norm of the State, as well as to maintain the secrecy of the Council’s deliberations. of Ministers”.

The acting Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, acted as chief notary of the Kingdom, in a ceremony that was also attended by the highest authorities of the State, such as the presidents of the Congress and Senate, as well as the Supreme Court or the CGPJ. The solemn ceremony lasted just two minutes.

With the arrival of Felipe VI to the Head of State, the Royal House changed the protocol and allowed senior officials to promise before the King without religious symbols. Sánchez himself was the first to launch this new protocol in 2018.

New Government

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