Sanchez on Instagram frames the Monumental: River fans are still hoping for a return

An Instagram story was enough to unleash the hope of the River fans, who dream of being able to see Sanchez with their shirt

A story on Instagram was enough to unleash once again the burning hope of the River Plate fans, who dream of being able to see Alexis Sanchez with the Millionarios shirt again. Waiting to know his future (probably far from Inter), in fact, the Chilean striker is spending a few days of vacation in Buenos Aires. On social media, the former Manchester United posted a photo of the legendary Monumental, stadium of the River. And many immediately thought of a market clue. At the moment, however, Sanchez seems geared towards continuing his career in Europe, in a high-level club. Only if no satisfactory offers arrive, Sanchez might consider returning to Argentina. In the meantime, however, in Buenos Aires they dream …
