“Sánchez must stop dividing the Spanish”

03/16/2023 at 08:00


The Vox candidate for the motion of no confidence will accuse Sánchez of being a “demagogue and populist” and of trying to dictate “to his liking the history of a nation lacking in truth” according to the speech advanced by ‘eldiario.es’ in the absence of the last fringes

In the midst of the absolute lack of control in which Ramón Tamames’ motion of censure was already found, the leak of the speech that he will deliver in Congress, revealed by ‘eldiario.es’ and whose veracity the author has confirmed in ‘Capital Radio’, has given the finishing touch to a debate that has become, according to all parliamentary groups except Vox, “a true show& rdquor ;. Precisely this Thursday is scheduled the joint appearance of Santiago Abascal and his chosen one to lead the motion against Pedro Sanchez.

The objective is to tie the former leader of the PCE short after his media tour in which he has shown weighty ideological discrepancies with the party that will take him to the rostrum of the Chamber. In his speech, published by ‘eldiario.es’, in the absence of closing some fringes, Tamames will insist that the general elections must be brought forward to May 28, the same date for the regional and municipal elections, blaming the Pedro Sánchez government for have “an eagerness to divide the Spanish & rdquor;. The candidate insists that the “natural & rdquor; it is that both appointments are joined with the polls and not that they are separated by only seven months.

The reality is that Vox has been changing its state of mind in recent weeks. From stupefaction to discomfort with the first statements by Tamames. Then came the anger in many cadres, who did not understand the impossibility of stopping his appearance in the media. And in the last hours the sense of humor (symptom of having lowered arms) broke through. “From here to Tuesday He still has time to do several more interviews”; joked a weighty leader this Wednesday in the chamber. So far in the party they have not commented on the leak of the speech.

The economist, as stated in the draft made public, plans to launch harsh criticism against the coalition Executive, which he describes as “populist and demagogue & rdquor; and that he considers that he divides society “by trying to dictate the history of an entire nation to his liking & rdquor; with the alleged Democratic Memory. This law of the Ministry of Félix Bolaños is one of the most attacked from the ranks of Vox, which has appealed against it in the Constitutional Court.

Throughout the speech there are many references to the Transition and the threats that “they put the constitutional architecture of 1978 at risk & rdquor; hand in hand with Sánchez’s parliamentary partners, whom he asks to stop making “harmful legislative assignments & rdquor ;. He will also speak out, if the script is fulfilled, against the electoral law as the origin of many problems that occur in the governance of the country due to the excessive weight that, in Tamames’ opinion, is given to nationalist parties. In fact, on one of the pages you can see a direct quote to González, Aznar and Rajoy, “who were forced to make concessions to the separatists that otherwise would not have been granted& rdquor ;.

About him State of the Autonomies, which Tamames has defended in many of his media interventions, differentiating himself from the position held by Vox (which he also publicly thanks for the opportunity to defend the motion in Congress, criticizing it for being labeled an “undemocratic” party), reproaches “that has been deformed & rdquor ;, demanding to end the “overrepresentation of nationalists & rdquor ;. He also accuses the separatist formations of “disabling & rdquor; Article 2 of the Constitution to “make way for the alleged self-determination & rdquor ;.

In the speech there are also clear pronouncements on the most topical issues and the criticisms that the opposition often makes to the Government in Parliament. For example, trying to “dominate” the Judiciary, legislating through decree laws or having drafted a law “tailored” to those convicted of sedition and embezzlement. He does acknowledge the “concern & rdquor; of the President of the Government for the “legal botch” of the ‘only yes is yes’ law and that he has opened up to reform it. Just a few days ago, Congress took the first step to this end with the admission for processing of this legal modification, presented by the PSOE and which went ahead thanks to the right wing with the votes against United We Can.

In the part related to Justice, he asks that a new Government “consider the designation of the magistrates of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court as lifetime& rdquor ;, remembering that there are already in the Council of State and other similar bodies. The same, he points out, “whether it will be necessary to think about whether it is convenient to have an independent prosecutor like the one created in the US & rdquor ;.

Nor is the requirement that Sánchez explain with total transparency the reasons for his Government to give a historic turn on the Saharaabandoning the position of neutrality of the last decades.

In the last words that he will pronounce, a phrase is planned that says: “Today’s act is for me like one of the last sequences of the very script of my life & rdquor ;. Just a few days ago, in the interview he gave Juan Cruz in El Periódico de España, from the Prensa Ibérica group, a similar idea was already advanced: “In the motion I will state that I am providing a service to societyif you love the Homeland, or whatever you want to call it & rdquor ;.
