Sánchez demands Feijóo “rectify” the agreements with Vox after the Abascal controversy

Pedro Sánchez sees Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s “condemnation” of Santiago Abascal’s statements that “there will be a time when the Spaniards will want to hang” the Prime Minister “by his feet” as insufficient. According to the head of the Executive, “when they are condemned you cannot put a ‘but'”, which is why he has demanded a “firm condemnation” and, furthermore, “a reconsideration of alliance policy” in the communities and city councils with the formation of the extreme right. “Rethink those alliances and rectify them,” he concluded during an interview this Monday night on Informativos Telecinco after arguing that “the real threat to democracy in Spain is this type of party.”

The Chief Executive has raised his tone after limiting himself to asking for a “reflection” to the leader of the opposition during the presentation of his book ‘Tierra Firme’ (Península). Like a game of mirrors, the opposition criticizes the consequences for democracy of the investiture pacts with the independentists while Sánchez responds that the “authentic danger “has to do with the “far-right international that points out those who do not think like them”. Positions that, according to Sánchez, the opposition leader “is only trying to sweeten them.”

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Continuing with the analogies, Sánchez has argued that “a few years ago the PP governed with Ciudadanos and today it does so with Vox”, while his party does so “with Sumar, not with Podemos.” Along these lines, he has predicted that with a Government with Abascal as vice president, pensions would not be revalued in accordance with the CPI, negotiating an increase in the minimum wage or a parity law would not have been approved for public administrations, parties and large private companies. “There are differences between the PP and Vox governing and the PSOE and Sumar governing,” he concluded.

Governance with Podemos

Regarding the instability due to the breakup of Podemos with Sumar and the departure of its five deputies to the Mixed group to negotiate with autonomy, the leader of the socialists has denied that it will affect governability. “I think there is certainly an already developed culture of agreement and negotiation with the Podemos party”, to emphasize that as “progressive force” trust in understanding. So much so that he has avoided entering into the classification of transfuguismo of his five deputies, as Sumar has criticized, to show his “respect for political organizations.”
