Sánchez comes out alive, by Joan Tapia

What happens after the state of the nation debate? Aitor Esteban supports the Government, but the PNV is very much his and solemnized that he has gone from illusion, when Sánchez’s investiture in January 2020, to strong discouragement. Esteban is not the average Spaniard, but he has a nose and for that reason – not only out of interest, but also – he supported Rajoy and then voted for Sánchez’s motion of censure.

Why has the political climate deteriorated? Spain and the world have suffered the wear and tear of an unexpected and destructive pandemic. And when the coronavirus worried less and the economies were reactivated, the brutal resurgence of inflation, which not even the big central banks expected, is sinking family economies. And Putin’s invasion has shattered expectations for the future.

The president says that it is not his fault, but he has lost credibility and, after the defeat of Andalusia, the polls predict a victory for the PP. Inflation is not ours alone, although with 10.2% we are 1.6 points higher than the European average, and when it has been proclaimed that everything would be fine because in Spain there was a progressive government, this 10.2% is a resounding slap in the face. Yes, jobs continue to be created, but unemployment anguishes those who suffer from it and those close to them, while the rise in prices irritates all families.

And the discomfort grows because the Government is not only divided, but it manifests it every day. How to trust a divided government in almost everything –taxes, housing, Morocco, NATO…– and that it only recovers morale when it maximizes ideology with a debatable extra tax on banks? Perhaps charging against the bank, which emerged morally affected by the financial crisis, is a good electoral claim. But there is no this surcharge (unlike that of electricity companies) in any European country. Y does not seem appropriate in a crisis which, due to its seriousness, requires more pragmatism than ideology.

Sanchez had it tough. He preached continuous and increasing well-being-almost the earthly paradise-and now the promise is shipwrecked and the future darkens. But she didn’t lose. He is an experienced parliamentarian and the format – he has unlimited speaking time – benefits him. In addition, Feijóo, who is not a deputy, could not reply. Y Cuca Gamarra has grit, but he reminded the PP of always. The spirit of Ermua, against an ETA that disappeared 10 years ago, cannot be compared with the opposition to Sánchez for the pacts with Bildu. In the second aftershock he improved, but the new PP missed an opportunity. The Andalusian victory has not been followed by a firm commitment to bite into the center.

But, without demonizing Bildu, the government is missing something when a strategic ally is a group whose spokesperson proclaims – in the midst of the war in Ukraine – that NATO is “a warmongering organization & rdquor ;. He does not empathize with small nations like Estonia and Lithuania. Of course, what is more serious is that of Podemos. Cuca Gamarra said it, With whom will Sánchez approve the committed increase in the defense budget?

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But Sánchez has come out alive and has achieved approve both the second economic decree (even with the abstention of the PP) such as the reform of the judiciary and the law of historical memory. Perhaps because his allies, who often disapprove of him, believe – Aitor Esteban insinuated – that they cannot afford a PP government. And it was confirmed that the PP continues with the pending issues of Euskadi and Catalonia.

The debate leaves the impression that while PSOE and PP remain trapped in two opposing blocs (and inconsistent) it will be difficult to face such a disruptive crisis.
