Sánchez calls to “take note” on 23J of the “obscene cut of rights” of the PP and Vox after their pact in Extremadura

Pedro Sanchez never believed Maria Guardiola when he promised that he did not intend to govern with Vox in Extremadura. The pact this Friday between the PP and the far-right formation to form a coalition in this autonomy, which shows a radical turn on the part of the popular candidate and also the strength of the union between Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Santiago Abascal, does not suppose no surprise for the President of the Government. But it does represent, within the concern for the involution that this type of agreement supposes, a chance.

“In Extremadura what we knew was going to happen has happened. The PP and Vox They will rule together where they can. Where they add up, they will govern and there will be setbacks. we all must take notes of the agreements that Mr. Feijóo and Mr. Abascal are reaching,” Sánchez pointed out from Brussels, where he has participated in the European Council which has served to kick off the Spanish presidency of the EU, which begins on Saturday and will last until the end of the year, with the question of whether the one who will finish the community mandate will be Sánchez or Feijóo.

The progressive revival

Front of hypermobilization of right-wing voters, the progressive electorate showed signs of apathy on May 28, when the PSOE said goodbye to an enormous share of territorial power after the regional and municipal elections. Sánchez hopes to reactivate the left on July 23, the day on which general elections will be held, hand in hand with the alarm caused by the PP pacts with Vox in communities (at the moment three: Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Extremadura) and numerous towns . For now, these agreements have served for the popular to adopt the denier language of the extreme right on the gender violence and also accept the withdrawal of the LGTBI flags in various municipalities.

At the same time, the alliance in Extremadura serves the socialist candidate to reinforce his thesis that Feijóo will govern with Abascal in coalition, no matter how much the president of the PP assures that that is not his intention. Guardiola said the same after 28M, although in a much more forceful way than the leader of his party, and has ended up agreeing, in what is a clear victory for Vox.

“I cannot let into my government those who deny sexist violence, those who use the fat line, those who are dehumanizing immigrants and to those who unfold a canvas and throw the LGTBI flag into a bin. My promise and my land are not bargaining chip you’re welcome& rdquor ;, assured the next president of Extremadura just 10 days ago. This Friday, Guardiola, visibly uncomfortable, has been forced to justify her drastic march behind her. “My word is not that important as the future of Extremadura & rdquor ;, he has pointed out in Mérida. Shortly after, in Madrid, Feijóo said exactly the opposite: “In times when the word of some politicians is worthless, I vindicate the politics of the word. Without words there is no politics & rdquor ;.

Concern in Brussels

One of Sánchez’s reasons for bringing forward the generals, after the socialist debacle of 28M, was precisely that the pre-campaign and the campaign coincide with the negotiation between the PP and Vox. The PSOE believes that the strategy has worked, with Feijóo forced to defend these controversial agreements, which can serve both to mobilize to the progressive voter as to discourage to the moderate who thought to support the PP. And also to undermine the international image of the conservative leader.

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“What we are seeing in Extremadura, in Valencia and in many town halls is a obscene clipping rights in exchange for votes. Removing an LGTBI flag from a public institution is taking away rights. And that deserves the most resounding reproach. It causes blush. In Brussels I have had conversations with various leaders who are surprised and upset of the involution of certain debates where Spain had been an example and now we are being a counterexample,” said Sánchez, who on Saturday, at the premiere of the Spanish presidency of the EU, will travel to Kiev to meet with the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelensky.

Faced with the majority of the polls, which clearly place him behind Feijóo, the socialist candidate shows convinced of his victory in three weeks. At least in public. This Friday they asked her if she was committed to inform Feijóo on the European presidency in the event that the leader of the PP arrives at Moncloa. “As we are going to win the elections, that will not be the case & rdquor ;, he replied.
