Sánchez announces in La Rioja an ‘Intelligence Center for the New Language Economy’

12/07/2022 at 2:54 p.m.


The project presented by the President of the Government will function as a public-private innovation ecosystem around Spanish and the rest of the official languages, and will have an investment of more than 44 million euros

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Wednesday the creation, in La Rioja, of a Intelligence Center of the New Language Economya public-private innovation ecosystem around Spanish and other official languages ​​with an investment of more than 44 million euros.

Sánchez has made this announcement in San Millan de la Cogollawhere he has traveled to present this project, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the declaration of the Yuso and Suso Monasteries in Emilia as a World Heritage Site, being considered the “cradle of spanish“.

This center, which will be located in Logroño and which has also been called a ‘hub’, will promote an incubator for business projects, based on language technologies in Spanishwith the aim of “generating more knowledge and transferring it, in a much more effective way, to job creation and economic growth”, he said.

For all this, the Government of Spain will allocate more than 20 million euros, to which another 24 will be added from the La Rioja Executive, said Sánchez, who was accompanied at the ceremony by the president of La Rioja, shell andreuand the general director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis Garcia Montero.

The president stressed that these more than 44 million euros is “the largest productive investment that the Government of Spain has located in La Rioja to launch the Valley of the Tonguea new route that will create employment, boost business opportunities and bring tourism and cultural industries.

Previously, Sánchez attended the signing of the agreement on the Global Observatory of Spanishbased in Yuso and which is configured, dependent on the Cervantes Institute, as a center of analysis and prospective to identify the projects with the greatest impact that will be developed within the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE) of the New Economy of language.

With the creation of this Observatory, the president said, “there will be a reference space in this area“, whose tasks will include “analyzing the situation of the Spanish language, of the official languages ​​in the world, promoting the knowledge and prestige of Spanish and Hispanic cultures”.

“Ultimately -he stressed- it is a matter of proposing initiatives fully consistent with one of the main lines of action committed by the Executive of Spain, which is to move forward and do so decisively in everything that has to do with territorial cohesion”.

This global project is loaded with “opportunities and wealth for Spain”assured Sánchez, who has described as “fundamental” the dissemination of Spanish, which is “one of our greatest assets and must continue to be so”.

He has highlighted that, in this regard, there is a “record” endowment in R&D in the General State Budget for 2023 and has influenced his Government’s commitment to “intensify the territorial perspective to gain the influence of Spanish in different countries of the world”.

As an example, he has cited, through the Cervantes Institute, the opening of new centers, such as in Senegal and Los Angeles (United States).

The oral corpus of Spanish

The president of La Rioja has said that this new Intelligence Center will integrate, in an “emblematic” buildingthe sectoral data space, the Dialnet Global project and the Corpus Oral del Español.

The center will be in charge of provide “the necessary vision and strategic knowledge” to promote the development of this “new industrial revolution” around Spanish.

The data space, whose applications are “immense”, will be structured around learning, science, demolinguistics, language tourism, corpus and artificial intelligence, as well as culture.

It will make it possible to coordinate and take advantage of all the sources of information available in all the reference institutions and, on this data, artificial intelligence will be applied, reported Andreu, who has advanced that knowledge maps will also be created to analyze the information.

Among the virtues of this project, he highlighted, is that will allow you to follow, in real time, the presence and impact of Spanish in the world to be able to influence certain areas, sections or countries.

In the scientific field, the Hispanic scientific production dissemination portal Dialnet, linked to the University of La Rioja, will become Dialnet Global, which will be an open science portal in Spanish.

Sánchez has valued this Dialnet Global project because it means “promoting science in Spanish”.

In this new Intelligence Center, Andreu added, it will also be possible to detect and find out what are the emerging topics of interest in research in Spanish, create networks of Hispanic-American researchers and identify the best scientific partners for business projects.

The Oral Corpus of Spanish, which will also be created at this Center, has the objective of creating the largest oral corpus of any language that currently exists.

For this, Spanish-speaking data will be collected with the involvement of all Spanish-speaking countries, processed and structured to guarantee its exploitation and usefulness, for example, in the necessary language processing.
