Sánchez and Biden address the agenda of the NATO summit in Madrid by phone

The Alliance partners will approve a new strategic concept and will discuss, among other issues, the situation of the war in Ukraine and the requests for NATO membership of Sweden and Finland

The head of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, and the President of the United States, Joe Biden, held a telephone conversation on Tuesday in which they analyzed the agenda of the NATO summit to be held in Madrid on June 29 and 30. The 20 minute call has occurred at the initiative of President Bidenon the eve of the start of his tour of Europe to attend the G7 Summit and the NATO Summit.

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Sánchez has informed on social networks of that conversation between the two leaders one week before the start of that meeting in Madrid in which the Alliance partners will approve a new strategic concept and will discuss, among other issues, the situation of the war in Ukraine and the NATO membership requests from Sweden and Finland.


Biden wanted to convey to President Sánchez his gratitude for the effort that Spain has made to organize this summit at a historic moment, marked by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, as well as the constructive attitude you are displaying so that concrete results are achieved in the Madrid meeting in defense of the values ​​that our democratic societies represent.
