Sánchez accuses the right of creating an “‘anti-Sanchista’ bubble” and fights it with his most humane side


On at 00:58


The President of the Government asks to “follow the trail of money” to identify the economic powers that do not want him in Moncloa

Seven years ago, Pedro Sánchez surprised in an interview in saved by revealing that he had received pressure from economic powers so that he would not form a progressive government with Podemos. He accused, at that time, certain media outlets of being the transmission mail of some powerful people. This Sunday, less than a month before the 23-J elections, the President of the Government has drawn a similar scenario. Also before the journalist Jordi Evolehas criticized that the “political, economic and media right” has spent four years building a “‘anti-Sanchista’ bubble”. “Follow the Money Trail”, has asserted about who is behind that strategy. Her response to combat it has been to offer the most human side of her.

“I have misgraded the corrosive force of many of these arguments that have been propagated in these media”, the head of the Executive has reiterated on almost half a dozen occasions. Thus, Sánchez has focused a good part of his response on pointing out that the only political program of the right it is to “repeal” what the coalition government has done and, for this reason, they hide behind ‘anti-Sanchism’. What is ‘anti-Sanchism’? For the PSOE leader it is “lies, manipulation and evil“.

Making it clear that, in his opinion, there is an overrepresentation of the positions of the right and of the extreme right in the Spanish media panorama -an idea of ​​which Pablo Iglesias has been flagging for years-, Sánchez has justified the media tour that began this week (zero wave, The intermediate, The Évole thing) and that will continue in the coming days, parading even through the anthill, in the need to “puncture the bubble”.

Asked on several occasions about which media are the ones that install a message contrary to him and what economic powers are behind them, Sánchez has preferred to remain silent. As Prime Minister, he has said, he should not single out anyone. Now, he has left a clear indication: “Follow the money trailof the money from the bonuses and the money of those who have always thought that the country is theirs”. Not only that, although he has assured that no businessman has told him to his face that they would try to destroy him, he has dropped that “that message is perceived in its media terminals“.

The insomnia of the pandemic

Your response to thispoison” that is inoculated in society against him has been to open up and show an unusual face. In the interview there has been practically no programmatic proposal, but there have been details about the life of the Prime Minister. He has admitted that during the pandemic cried “of rage and frustration” and that, “when he managed to fall asleep”, he would wake up after a few hours “drenched in sweat“. A stress that, he has related, did not require him to go to a psychologist, although “he would not have had any problem going either.” In addition, he has said that in the past he did go to therapy.

He has also been hurt by the “barbarities“That his wife, Begoña Gómez, had to suffer when it was said that she was a transsexual woman.”I have not insulted anyoneI have tried to have a political debate”, Sánchez has summarized his position, although he has admitted that he has been wrong for not having given more interviews in critical media to dismantle that “bubble”.

The “biggest mistake”

Sánchez has also focused on combating two of the arguments with which he has been most attacked, the use of the Falcon and the agreements with EH Bildu. Regarding the first, he has said that the use that he has made is not different from that made by other presidents. On the second, that he has not governed with the nationalist party, that everything has been parliamentary pacts. What has hurt him the most, he has confessed, is the attempt to “assimilate” ETA and deny the importance of the PSOE in the end of the terrorist group. In the list of confidences he has also recognized what his has been “biggest mistake“during the legislature, the law of ‘only yes is yes’.

Despite everything, Sánchez has assured that he will reach 23-J, where he predicts a participation between 73% and 76% despite the fact that the date is summery, “with the conviction and pride of what has been done and with the desire to return to win the elections. “I think I voted to win the elections”, he has insisted before saying of Alberto Núñez Feijóo that “it has been a huge disappointment“. The spirit that Sánchez wanted to convey is reminiscent of the words he used in 2016, in Salvados, after leaving the PSOE general secretary: “I’m not dead, here I am”
