Sánchez accuses Feijóo of being “harmful to society” and promises an “authentic investiture”

Pedro Sanchez has reappeared this Friday in a place of high symbolic content, the headquarters of the CEOE, with a clear message about strange political moment through which Spain passes. The acting President of the Government, who had spent a week in rest due to his Covid infection, has charged against Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for having called for an act against the negotiation of the PSOE with Junts just two days before his own investiture debate, that is dedicated to failure. “His attitude is harmful to society,” said Sánchez, without offering any clue about the controversial amnesty to the process that he is exploring with ERC and the party of Carles Puigdemont. Faced with the crossed arms and the protest of the leader of the PP, the socialist leader has promised a “authentic investiture.”

Sánchez’s speech, before the senior staff of the entrepreneurship Spanish, was focused on the “EU strategic proposal to strengthen the economic security and the global leadership of the EU.” The socialist leader has spoken of the importance of “reindustrializing” Europe and “attract” to foreign companies. He has also focused on the emergence of the Saudi group STC in Telefónica. But in the end he dedicated a few minutes to the governance from Spain. Above all, to attack Nuñez Feijóo.

Until the leader of the PP is defeated, during the last week of September, the PSOE avoids specifying anything about the complex negotiation with ERC and Junts, which has sparked strong criticism among the socialist old guard and even the expulsion of a historic leader like Nicolás Redondo. To try to calm this internal climate, despite the fact that the party leadership insists that the vast majority of officials and militants support the negotiation with the Catalan independence movement, Sánchez has stressed, as he has done on other occasions, that any pact will be “consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution.”

The urgency”

“We are in a period in which the candidate seems more determined to prevent another investiture than to achieve his own. To be more exact, completely ignores of his investiture and is focused on avoiding any other,” Sánchez began by saying, in reference to Feijóo. “We will be respectful with the deadlines of democracy because in democracy, forms, deadlines and procedures matter. But we will also point out that this way of acting is harmful to the entire society. The time does not belong to this or that candidate: it belongs to all Spaniards. And Spain has important and urgent things “to solve and there is no reason to waste time capriciously,” he continued.

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“For my part, I guarantee that, if the investiture underway does not prosper, as the candidate himself already assumes, and if I receive the commissioned by the Head of State, I will dedicate myself body and soul to achieving an authentic investiture. And I won’t waste time on empty gestures”, he said, maintaining his trust in which he will be re-elected thanks to the votes of Sumar, ERC, Junts, Bildu, PNV and BNG. The prediction is shared by both the post-convergents, despite being more reluctant to the pact, and the Republicans. Both formations also believe that there will be no repetition electoral.

“I will dedicate myself to dialogue with the rest of the political forces, but also with civil society, to build alliances and launch a positive political project -concluded the acting head of the Executive-. A project of progress and coexistence, which guarantees the stability of the country and is fully consistent with the letter and spirit of the Spanish Constitution. A project conciliator, based on science and the values, needs and aspirations of the social majority. A project that will look to the coming months, but also to the coming decades, and that will unite them in a coherent strategy that has been endorsed by academics, by the European Commission and, more recently, by the ballot boxes. A true project so that Spain keep moving forward and don’t go back to dark times”.
