Sampdoria, Quagliarella greets: “I would have liked to bring you back to Serie A but…”

After eight seasons, Quagliarella’s adventure at Sampdoria ends. The former Napoli and Juventus player is ready to leave football.

The paths have officially split between Fabio Quagliarella and the Sampdoria. Thus this relationship ends later 293 appearances and 106 goals in blue and white jersey. In all likelihood, he will also end his career as a footballer who on several occasions, also given the age factor of the 1983 class, had reaffirmed his willingness to continue playing only in Genoa. The now former pillar of Ligurian education has published a post on his profile Instagram greeting the square:

“Sometimes even the most beautiful things come to an end, unfortunately we have reached the last chapter of this long love story between you and me. You know I would have liked to try to bring Sampdoria back to the stage it deserves, but the bond that exists is with you it certainly won’t end today. I will always be rooting for Sampdoria which is a second home and my door will remain open. We will always and forever be on the same side.”
