Sampdoria-Inter, Tortul’s hat-trick and 13 in Bergamo. Amarcord of Schianchi

Tortul played center forward in Serie C, then they advised him to withdraw and he became lethal. That Sunday in 1955, the Nerazzurri discovered it. Meanwhile at Valoti’s house…

On the evening of Sunday 30 October 1955, while the legendary Rita Hayworth is preparing to organize her fourth marriage without having yet obtained a divorce from her third husband, a strange thing happens in Italy. A man from Bergamo, a certain Giovanni Valoti, a waiter by profession in a pizzeria run by a Neapolitan owner, puts his hand in his coat pocket, checks the piece of paper he has extracted and, in front of his wife, on the threshold of the kitchen of his house, he faints. It takes several minutes to revive him.
