Samp-Juve, Morata after the brace: “The goals, the future, the role and Allegri”

The Spaniard after his first double of the season: “The future does not depend on me. Maybe before I didn’t feel so important, but when your boss offers you words of esteem, those turn into strength.” And Allegri in return: “Employed like this, Alvaro is among the best in Europe”

The three goals in two games, Spezia and Sampdoria, are Alvaro Morata’s way of trying to bring his share of certainties to the return of the Champions League round of 16 against Villarreal on Wednesday. Because the Spaniard no longer wants to talk about the Scudetto goal, but when he thinks about the cup… “Here we are at Juve, it was a particular year, especially at the beginning. We need to work and think above all about the Champions League, which is very beautiful and no one can know what happens there, and then put their minds back on the championship “. Even if he has to open his arms about his future in Juventus: “Well, I don’t know, unfortunately it is not up to me. Has my desire for Juve grown? It never went away. If I am not here next year I will be the main Juventus fan-he told Dazn in Marassi-. What I can do is work between now and the end of the season, try to win championships which is what remains in the photos for the children to see ”.


Before Spezia he said: “I honestly don’t care about the goal. We are here to get the maximum points, the important thing is to get good results “. The score of two shots and two goals with which Morata greeted Marassi is the joyful retaliation to a season lived for a long time on the cliché of the center forward who slams for the team but does not score. Then at the first match in which the new center forward decides to let him start from the bench, here is the brace that Alvaro was missing from the last day of last season, 23 May 2021, that success in Bologna that meant last minute qualification for the Champions League. Objective for which today, in the classification in hand, there are 9 points ahead of Fifth Atalanta, who naturally have two fewer games.


The first double of the season has the sweet taste of gratification rather than personal glory. On the penalty, the greatest merit is having kicked him well, displacing Falcone (ringing Candreva against Szczesny …), but the penalty was won by a Moise Kean that was undoubtedly effective in the day. The Spaniard called the ball at the far post on the threshold of 90 minutes, escaping from Bereszynski and attracting Locatelli’s cross from the right to his head, as a true center-forward. For Morata, an evening like King Midas of the realization, which transforms any ball he touches into the net, symbolized even better by the episode in which the Sampdoria Sabiri, by gravitational attraction, aimed the number 9 on Alvaro’s back to obtain the decisive deviation he had. given to Sampdoria the goal of the flag.


Morata turns the conversation elsewhere: “You have to work, it’s a team game and you don’t have to look at your navel: you have to give everything to your teammates’ service. I am very happy because we have found the compactness, the spirit of sacrifice and struggle. We still have a lot of people out, we are working well, we look forward to those who are out but we must be positive, because in our training and in everyday life you can breathe a different area from the beginning of the season “. For him personally from a particular moment: “The truth is that since we restarted the season I have had a conversation with the coach. Maybe I didn’t feel as important before as I do now. In football, as in any job, when your boss arrives and gives you confidence, he makes you understand what he thinks of you, it’s important because when you hear words of esteem he turns into strength and desire to work “.


Translated on a football field, the correspondence of loving senses with Massimiliano Allegri does not escape, who even after Sampdoria commented: “Morata improved? No better than he was before, Alvaro is of a technical level among the first in Europe. Then if he plays with his back to the goal, he finds it more difficult, if he plays a little in the background, who takes this ball diagonally, with a little more space, he becomes better and shows his characteristics, his qualities which are many “. A wedding invitation for Alvaro: “All there is to do in attack, I can’t ask for anything else. Juve are among the best teams in the world, I’m proud to be here, it’s not a way of saying: you have to sacrifice yourself, work and win. When it comes to playing, everything suits me ”. Even to the people of Juve, if these are the results.
