Sami’s potential mate shakes up the straightforward question about the landlady’s sister

The landlubbers head for a speed date. BEWARE OF PLOT REVEALS!

A bride for the farmer – program’s landlubbers get to go on group dates, but most everyone can wait for one-on-one chats. This time there is more time to get to know each other than the five minutes of speed dating.

Cabbage farmer from Nurmijärvi The same, 31, takes his prospective spouse to Rymättyla, Herrankukkaro. Sami asks Allowed22, the first to chat alone.

– Do you always want to live where you live now? You live with your sister. Do you want to evict your sister? Do you want to live there with your sister forever? Salla asks.

Sami says that he hasn’t always lived under the same roof with his sister.

– The purpose is that we don’t really live together for the rest of our lives, as long as we find a smart solution for it. Now, when I’ve been alone and there’s a big room, we haven’t seen the need yet… But it’s not something for the rest of life. He probably wouldn’t even agree to live with me for the rest of his life, Sami answers and continues that his sister will probably move out at some point.

In the introductory episode, Sami said that he lives with his sister in a large detached house.

– He has been working now – last summer he came to help. I hope it will still be helpful in the coming summer. It can be here, Sami said in the episode.

Later in a recent episode, Salla tells the cameras what she thinks about Sam’s living arrangement.

– I don’t mind that other family members live on the farm, but in general, the idea of ​​it was nice to know, Salla says.

Sam’s potential spouse, Salla, asks about Sam’s living arrangements. MTV3

Maajussille morsian on MTV3 channel on Mondays at 20. Maajussille morsian: All stories on MTV Katsomo from September 11. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
