Sami Kuronen talks about her daughter’s fear

In her Instagram, Kuronen talks about her daughter’s fears and worries.

Sami Kuronen has hosted Temptation Island Finland through, among other things, ten. Pink Bröijer

Presenter Sami Kuronen has had to respond to a 12-year-old Oona-the daughter’s questions about the situation in Ukraine.

Kuronen says about it on his Instagram:

– Dad, will we die? What if they attack next here? Can the bombing start at night? Are we near bomb shelters? Hilma’s life can be really short. The hill is only 12. Mua scares…

– I have tried to find even some answers to reflections that no parent would want to have with their child. Not everything can be found. No understanding, no answers, Kuronen writes.

She says in her Instagram post on Saturday that she talked to her daughter that there are things in the world that simply can’t do anything for. You just have to trust that things will get organized, sometimes and in some way.

– We have also talked about how important it is to focus on the things we can influence. There are them too. To be with loved ones and loved ones. Enjoy that privilege. Takes care of those who need or want help, Kuronen writes.

On Saturday, he and his daughter decided to dodge the war news. The daughter went to the stable, the father to the hall, then went to the movies and in the evening watched the UMK final.

However, the fear in the daughter’s mind:

– Last night, Oona wanted to come to sleep with me. Hilma came too.

Hilma is Kuronen’s kitten.

If you don’t see the Instagram embed, you’ll be able to access it from this link.
