Sami Kuronen reveals about the upcoming TIS season: “The wishes of many will come true”

Presenter Sami Kuronen sheds light on the patterns for the coming season.

Sami Kuronen is also known as the host of Temptation Island Finland. Heli Mettänen

Temptation Island Finland has hooked the Finnish TV people. A new season is coming, reminds the presenter of the program Sami Kuronen on Instagram.

– The new Temppari season will be filmed in June in southern Spain near Marbella, Kuronen reveals.

The presenter says there would still be little space available in the luxury villas.

– Now it also seems strong that the wishes of many will come true and the average age will rise slightly compared to previous seasons, so singles in their + thirties and reserved… Now it is worth putting the search papers on, Kuronen encourages.

The search for the coming season started already in November 2021. The application form asks questions in abundance.

Couples need to tell, among other things, how their love story began, what stage the relationship is at, and what have been the toughest experiences in life.

Applicants’ criminal suspicions and records will also be asked. Last season, the program included many convicted or suspected criminals.

– There are things we can find out and that’s what we do. However, there are also things that we cannot find out unless the person tells us about them and that could be a barrier to participating in the program if we knew about them. These may include, for example, pending preliminary investigations that are not public, the corresponding producer of Banijay Finland Martti Sivonen previously told Iltalehti.

– Everyone has their own history and mistakes – whether they were in court or not, Sivonen said.

Sami Kuronen spoke about the scriptwriting of TIS evening campfires in 2019.
