Samantha Steenwijk under fire from visitors: ‘So hypocritical!’

In addition to statements of support, Samantha Steenwijk also receives a lot of negative reactions to her decision to take Yvonne Coldeweijer to court. Many people find her very hypocritical.

©, RTL

She has lost 22 kilos in a short time: Samantha Steenwijk. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, this is due to the use of illegal diet pills, but the singer has a completely different explanation: horseback riding. Yvonne has already rectified and deleted the video, but Samantha insists on a rectification with white letters on a black background. And 5,000 euros.


Samantha therefore goes to court, which even leads to incomprehension among her colleagues from RTL Boulevard. And the visitors of also find it a strange action. The most liked comment comes from Yasmin: “Isn’t Samantha standing behind the desk at Boulevard? So you can hand out, but not be able to collect?”

And the second most liked reaction is that of V_Boomer: “Mrs Steenwijk is gossiping every week about celebrities at Boulevard. And a slimming gossip about her and she immediately stands on her rear hooves? These summary proceedings are, of course, simply dominant behavior on the part of Steenwijk. And a waste of everyone’s time.”


The two corrections and removal of the video were already completely unnecessary, according to V_Boomer. “I hope the judge makes it clear that it is not the intention to squabble this kind of chest-thumping in a courtroom.”

Ferragosto agrees: “That Samantha Steenwijk could also do with a little self-reflection. So often with that head on TV, with an opinion about everything and everyone. Now it’s her turn and she wants to fill her pockets again, yuck! If Yvonne Coldeweijer has to pay, transfer everything to Giro 555.”

And Ruud: “Just no fine at all. Anyone who hands out in Boulevard should also be able to collect.”

“For Carlo!”

Other people think that Samantha was already pissed off at Yvonne because of the gossip about her good colleague Carlo Boszhard. Wil63: “She only does this because she is friends with colleague Carlo Boszhard with whom she is in the same singing program and wants to tackle the juice channels!”

Yvonne is often right, say other commenters. “She won’t make it up completely. And she gave space to Steenwijk’s reaction. You can’t like gossip journalism and you don’t have to watch or read it, but it’s been part of ‘being known’ for ages. It’s just much more accessible now.”

Criticism of Yvonne

There is not only criticism of Samantha, but also of Yvonne. Then it’s about juice channels in general and how outrageous they are. Marcel thinks this is unjustified: “These are the channels that have revealed all the malpractice in television land that everyone knew about but nobody dared to open their mouths.”

“Juice channels may not be neat, but that counterfeit mess that calls itself BN-er is ten times worse. Those people do not feast on other people’s misery, those people enjoy that the hypocritical so-called political mess is dealt with once.”

All the spicy reactions from the visitors of you can read here
