Samantha Steenwijk suddenly much less on TV: ‘My own choice’

There was a time when you really couldn’t watch a program without seeing Samantha Steenwijk in it. She was just not yet in the Eight Hour News. But lately it’s been remarkably quiet…


Samantha Steenwijk is one of the least loved artists in the Netherlands, because her personality is not really likeable is. The singer has already caused annoyance with her frequent appearances on television, but her exaggeratedly hysterical lawsuit against Yvonne Coldeweijer has killed her in particular. She’s just out.

Step back

Yet Samantha now states that her sudden absence from television is her own choice. “Earlier there was an overkill from Samantha Steenwijk. Now it seems to be very quiet,” a Weekend journalist remarks during an interview.

The singer then: “Yes, because I consciously chose to take a step back. Apart from that, the corona time is over, so I also have less time for other things, because I can perform again. I still do fun TV things and there are also fun things coming up, but other than that I took a step back for a while.”

Little TV

A step back or did the TV bosses just listen to the lament about the Samantha Steenwijk overkill? The singer claims high and low that she made the decision. “My work has been shifted, I can now go on stage again and that is what I prefer to do, of course.”

She concludes: “I enjoy making a little TV, but of course it shouldn’t be my main activity, because that’s singing. So now I just have a nice balance for myself. And I pick the currants out of the porridge, haha!”
