Samantha Steenwijk out of the picture again

SBS 6 breathes a sigh of relief: the TV show De Hollandse Nieuwe with the discredited stars Danny de Munk and Samantha Steenwijk is over. The final also attracted few viewers yesterday.

© William Rutten

It was a big flop for seven episodes: De Hollandse Nieuwe, a talent show in which musical talents audition in their own living room. The cast of the program consisted of two controversial celebrities and two less beloved celebrities: Danny de Munk, Samantha ‘diet pill’ Steenwijk, René Froger and Jeroen van der Boom.

Badly watched final

After last week’s record low with only 333 thousand viewers, yesterday’s final of De Hollandse Nieuwe attracted 377 thousand viewers (10 percent market share). With this, the program does not get further than the lower regions of the top 25 viewership and that is of course a big downer for SBS 6.

Viewer figures expert Tina Nijkamp plainly calls it a ‘viewer figure flop’. Immediately prior to De Hollandse Nieuwe, SBS 6 managed to conquer a spot in the top 15 with Het Jachtseason. 504 thousand people (14 percent) watched it.

René Froger responds

Does René think that those low scores are due to Danny and Samantha? “Do you know what it is? I think it has so many ingredients. It can never just be that. And again, it’s just a fantastic program, isn’t it? Of course you can’t forget that,” he says to The Telegraph.

It’s not all that bad, says René. “On Insta and Facebook I just get from people at home who are watching with whole teams, like: ‘Well, we’re ready again with the chips and the cheese.’”

second season

Will there be a second season? Oh no? “I have no idea. I would love it. I would really like it, but I think SBS 6 will lay an egg on that.”

René believes that we should not exaggerate about the poor viewing figures. “That is not entirely true. Look, of course on Saturday evening… You could say about those viewing figures: ‘That could have been better’, but with the postponed viewing and what is being watched online, it is not that bad.”

Viewing figures

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk wins prime time with 987 thousand viewers (27 percent) on NPO 1. RTL 4 scored 579 thousand viewers (17 percent) with Weet Ik Veel.

Programs that did not make the top 15 include Shownieuws (433 thousand), Hart van Nederland (419 thousand), Grantchester (408 thousand) and Nieuwsuur (374 thousand).

The viewing figures of Saturday, July 16, 2022 (SKO):

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 1,553,00001. NPO1 / 25.2%
02. The Connection (NPO1) 987,00002. RTL4 / 17.2%
03. News 18:00 (NPO1) 978,00003. SBS6 / 10.5%
04. The Evening Stage (NPO1) 890,00004. NPO3 / 9.6%
05. Half past seven news (RTL4) 800.00005. NPO2 / 7.4%
06. EenVandaag (NPO1) 773,00006. Vero / 2.9%
07. Studio Sport (NPO1) 707,00007.NET5/2.7%
08. Sports news (NPO1) 666,00008. RTL7 / 2.4%
09. Tour de France (NPO1) 657,00009. RTL5 / 2.2%
10. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 626.00010. RTL8 / 1.9%
11. I Know Much (RTL4) 579.00011.SBS9 / 1.3%
12. Football European Championship DNK ESP (NPO3) 556,00012. TLC / 1.3%
13. Oh What A Year (RTL4) 544.00013. BBC / 0.9%
14. The Hunting Season (SBS6) 504,00014. Comedy / 0.9%
15. Edition NL (RTL4) 450,00015.ESPN / 0.8%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 42.2%
02. RTL Netherlands 24.7%
03. Talpa TV 17.4%
