‘Samantha Steenwijk is setting up this entire media circus for attention’

Samantha Steenwijk really arouses incomprehension from all sides with her rather exaggerated summary proceedings against Yvonne Coldeweijer. She does it for the attention, the experts at Privé TV think.

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She has lost 22 kilos in a short time: Samantha Steenwijk. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, this is due to the use of illegal diet pills, but the singer has a completely different explanation: horseback riding. Yvonne has already rectified and deleted the video, but Samantha insists on a rectification with white letters on a black background. And 5,000 euros.

Bit corny

According to Privé TV presenter Wilson Boldewijn, it all goes very far. “Now it can be very bad for Samantha Steenwijk, but the judiciary is quite busy. Do grown-ups have to face each other over a few diet pills?”

Entertainment expert Jordi Versteegden also thinks it’s a bit bland. “Yes, I have to be honest with you: that is also a question I asked Samantha’s lawyer today.”

What does the lawyer say to that? “He says: ‘Samantha just wants to draw the line that you can’t just say everything on a juice channel about celebrities that isn’t right, because it can cause enormous damage to image.’ Only you know, she’s making a big thing out of it now.”


Wilson: “Is it just asking for attention?”

Jordi: “Yes, to be honest I think so. I just feel bad for all those other people sitting at home with much more important things to go to court. Then I think: fight it out together behind the scenes.”

Wilson: “That poor judge needs to get on with the diet pills.”

The gentlemen are by no means the only ones who find Samantha’s lawsuit rather exaggerated. Even Samantha’s own colleagues from RTL Boulevard don’t understand it.

What does Yvonne say?

Yvonne thinks it’s all a bit exaggerated. “I am convinced that Samantha used those pills and we are going to explain to the judge how I came to this conclusion. In addition, I showed that I was willing to cooperate and I think the lawsuit is a bit nonsense,” she tells De Telegraaf.

“It doesn’t depend too much on it for me, so whether I win or lose it doesn’t really matter to me. Samantha has left all communication through her lawyer. I also indicated that she can always approach me herself next time, but apparently that was not her preference!”

media circus

According to Yvonne, it promises to be a whole media circus. She writes on her juice channel: “RTL Nieuws and Shownieuws have asked me if they can come and film the lawsuit, so hopefully you can watch a bit and laugh with me about this moronic media circus. Does Samanth have a bit of media attention again?”

“I have so many applications for tomorrow’s trial. So it seems that RTL is coming to film in the room and has to send this to all other channels, because only a limited number of cameras were allowed in the room. It wasn’t necessary for me, but Mrs. Steenwijk takes it all very seriously. We’ll see guys!”

The summary proceedings are scheduled for 10:30 a.m.
