Samantha Steenwijk gets a beating from followers: ‘Low to the ground!’

Samantha Steenwijk is getting a good beating now that the so-called breakup with her wife Daisy indeed turns out to be a publicity stunt. “She’s completely gone. Everything for the attention!”


The woman who fills whole days with puking juice channels has been feeding the gossip media this week: Samantha Steenwijk. She posted a message on Instagram with which she pretended that her marriage to Daisy has come to an end. She then declined questions from the media who wanted to hear both sides.

Samantha under fire

Samantha was soon caught thinking this was a publicity stunt. Puke on show media, but use them if you need attention for your new record: disgusting, think the men of the podcast Strikt Privé.

After days full of noise, the singer has indeed launched a new song about a breakup. Samanthas Instagram post this provokes a lot of negative reactions. Many of them are diligently removed by her team, but apparently they don’t work all day. It is currently full of them.

“No more whining!”

Joost is critical of Samantha. “Was certainly an effective PR stunt and cleverly thought out, but next time don’t cry if the juice and PR machine doesn’t work in your favor, eh?” he says on her Instagram channel.

Mrs. Corrie agrees. “Totally agree. Bizarre to make it seem that your relationship is over. I have no respect for that either.”

Cindy: “So bad to get attention through juice channels, while if it doesn’t suit you, you start crying and then they should be banned. This is a pity, you are sinking deep with many now.”


Lewis thinks Samantha is off the hook. “She’s completely gone. Everything for the attention ?.”

Patricia: “Just felt sorry for you. Thought: pathetic, for the second time, how sad she must be. No, just attention to cash in.”

Iris: “From now on, think of another PR stunt… And then start a lawsuit against Yvonne. You’re doing the exact same thing now.”

Corina: “Sorry, you’ve gone too far now! So nauseous, if not sellable! Too bad, but oh well: everything for the money. Gawd!”


Samantha’s Instagram post, which still has numerous negative comments:
