Samantha Steenwijk fears IC patients by Yvonne Coldeweijer

Samantha Steenwijk takes seriously into account that people can end up in intensive care because of Yvonne Coldeweijer’s gossip video. “That is her responsibility then!”


Samantha Steenwijk and Yvonne Coldeweijer faced each other today in a fairly absurd summary proceedings about illegal diet pills. Yvonne claims that Samantha used it, but she denies it. Not all that shocking, so what exactly is Samantha so mad about? Well, she gets angry reactions and fears for IC patients.

Dent in career

According to Samantha, what Yvonne has said is really wrong. “I have had a hard-fought career in music for twenty years and I will not accept that Mrs. Coldeweijer would in any way make a dent in my career with her lies,” she said during the summary proceedings. RTL Boulevard

Samantha claims she lost 22 pounds riding a horse. And not with illegal diet pills. “It is completely untrue what has been said. It’s a blatant lie.”

Intensive Care Unit

People now see Samantha as a kind of dealer, she says. “It is very annoying that I still receive messages about this to this day. And also that my mother, my sister and wife are approached by people who want pills.”

Samantha fears IC recordings. “Coldeweijer has ensured that I have become the inspiration for slimming pills for people. But if someone with a brain haemorrhage is in the intensive care unit, that will not be my responsibility, but Coldeweijer’s. I never used those pills.”

sad horn

This statement by Samantha is causing a lot of annoyance online. “Wow, what an absurd argument”, says Jessika, for example.

Margo: “Well, yes. What a retarded statement that is!”

“What an idiot that Samantha!” Ale says. And Bloempje: “Sorrowful horn, really.”


Samantha’s statements and some comments below:
