Samantha Steenwijk embraces ‘woman swatter’ Lil Kleine

Samantha Steenwijk spits in the face of Jaimie Vaes, who was mistreated by Lil Kleine. She was caught hugging the harness rapper yesterday at a Tino Martin premiere party.

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They are hardly more hypocritical than Samantha Steenwijk. The singer talks about juice channels that have no norms and values, but what does comply with her rules of conduct? Embracing a rapper who has been in custody for weeks for brutally assaulting his girlfriend. This is about Jorik Scholten, better known as Lil Kleine.

Norms and values

Samantha jumped half out of her skin last week when Yvonne Coldeweijer revealed that she was brutally cheated by her wife who was eating outside the door. The artist decided to confirm the news, but didn’t do so without throwing a snide sneer at the juice queen.

Yvonne, who freed Jaimie Vaes from an abusive relationship by revealing the images of her abuse by Jorik, does not meet Samantha’s standards and values. “We find it most painful that there are people who enjoy other people’s suffering and that this is the way we treat each other in our society,” she grumbled.

Cuddling with Kleine

Half burn a woman who shares some spicy show news, but give a man who abuses his girlfriend a nice hug… How wonderful that this Samantha teaches people about how we should treat each other in this society.

The meeting between Samantha and Jorik took place yesterday during the premiere of Tino Martin’s theater tour. Most painful is that she thought their hug was out of sight of the camera. “The rapper immediately realizes that they are being filmed by Shownieuws and seems to warn the singer,” said the show section.

‘Great, isn’t it, that one is coming too!’

What on earth was Jorik doing at that premiere? Tino has distanced himself from him after Jorik’s abuse of Jaimie? “I learned at home: you don’t get women,” he said in February. “I was looking at those images with my girlfriend and I say: what a l*l. You can’t get around that.”

Tino was in Shownieuws yesterday with a live connection, where he was briefly asked about Jorik’s presence. “Nice huh? Yes, that one is coming. For that matter: friends, colleagues, family, everything was here tonight. Yes, you showed the images. Look, I don’t think I need to add that much,” he replied.

No spicy opinion

Did they have a spicy opinion in the Shownieuws studio about all that cuddling with Jorik? No, there was Anouk Smulders at the desk. Her husband, paparazzo Edwin Smulders, also hung around Lil Kleine’s neck during Tino’s premiere party.

Painfully enough, Jaimie’s best friends Estelle Cruijff and Koen Kardashian were also present. Another celebrity on the guest list was Glennis Grace, who was in jail at the same time as Jorik earlier this year.

Private boss Evert Sankrediets: “We spoke to Lil Kleine for a while. Not on camera, but separately. We asked when he’s going to tell his story about everything that happened. Then he emphasized that he has a child and will only tell his story when there is a verdict.”
