Samantha Steenwijk causes grief: ‘Damn, why now?’

Samantha Steenwijk causes a lot of grief for her discoverer, singer Vinzzent. He is disappointed and deeply hurt. “Then I think: damn, too bad, why now? Why so?”

© YouTube, RTL

Singer Vinzzent put an incredible amount of energy into Samantha Steenwijk at the start of her career. He released her music on his own record label Number8Music. But when she suddenly became a celebrity through The Voice of Holland, she switched to Gerard Joling’s management and started to focus more on television.

No legal action

Vinzzent feels hard pushed aside by Samantha. “Samantha then wanted to make television and let the music that we had built up go. She took a different course, which left me sidelined and all the energy I had put into it went up in smoke. That was a shame,” he says in the weekly party.

He has never taken legal action. “No. I had made a verbal agreement with Samantha, but she didn’t keep it. Then I was very unlucky, because I had not let her sign a contract. Now my only hope is that she looks back and thinks, how did it really go? How could it have gotten so out of hand?”

‘Very sour’

It’s a shame someone like Samantha is screwing you so badly, Vinzzent thinks. “That’s sour. That’s why I’m still stuck with it. (…) She came in through a mutual friend and without any business interest, as a favor to go for it together, I took care of her. She herself indicated: I want you to guide me. From The Voice she is sky high gone.”

Samantha doesn’t even look at Vinzzent anymore. “If I had let Samantha sit, if I had been unfaithful or had not kept agreements, then she would have had a right to speak. But I really stood there for her day and night. That’s why it hurts so much. Then I think: damn, too bad, why now? Why so?”

No comment

Vinzzent’s story is no reason for Samantha to respond to this. She turns her nose up at him. “We have no comment,” says her current management.


Samantha released this wretched music on Vinzzent’s record label:
