Samantha Steenwijk arouses annoyance with a breakup: ‘Scavenger hunt!’

Samantha Steenwijk causes a lot of annoyance with the cryptic post with which she seems to announce her breakup. “She just kind of turned it into a scavenger hunt!”

© SBS 6

We all know it since September: Samantha Steenwijk has been mercilessly cheated by her wife Daisy in the past. It was revealed at the time by Yvonne Coldeweijer and confirmed by the singer: “A few years ago, Daisy told me that she had an affair. That was very painful and caused a lot of sadness.”

Samantha is fed up

Less than six months later, it seems that Daisy has followed her, ehhh… box again. Samantha announces in a typical celebrity way (the stars can never communicate normally for once) that the two have broken up. At least, it seems that way.

Samantha shares a cryptic one story on Instagram: “I’ve been through this before. Tired of guessing. I’m not even mad anymore. I now choose myself. And I come out of this stronger. There’s nothing more you can say. ?”

“Down with Daisy!”

It sounds like one of her average tearjerkers, but there’s really more going on here. Fortunately, Yvonne Coldeweijer is there to help indicate: “Very good Samant! If your partner has ever cheated, you can set the clock that they will do it again in the future. People never do things just once. Get rid of that girl.”

It is of course very annoying that Samantha was forced to bring this out on Valentine’s Day, but is it really a breakup? She doesn’t want to respond to that.


It is precisely the inaccessibility of Samantha that leads to resentment among the stars of Show news. Bart Ettekoven says: “To everyone’s surprise, Samantha Steenwijk posted a pretty cryptic description on her Instagram page. She sounds determined. It indicates that her sixteen-year relationship with Daisy is over. There was already a hitch in the cable.”

Colleague Evert Santegoeds: “You post this and then you remain inaccessible to everything and everyone all day long?”

Bart: “Totally unreachable. Phone off. Tried Daisy, management won’t say anything about it. No, so I always think that I think: yes… There could have been a little more explanation. For the same money it is about someone completely different.”

Scavenger hunt

There is another serious clue, says Bart. “In her Insta bio there is also a link to the song ‘If love no longer makes sense’, which is a song from 2022.”

Studio guest Kalvijn cynical: “She has turned it into a kind of treasure hunt.”

Bart laughing: “Yes, actually.”

Presenter Tooske Ragas summarizes it: “So no certainty about it, but this cryptic description.”
