Salvatore Parolini on Melania Rea |iO Donna

Sttanight at 21.25 on Rai 3 airs the last episode of Who has seen? 2023. A long season for the program dedicated to missing persons and conducted by Federica Sciarelli, which began last September 14 and which ends after 40 episodes. Many topics covered during the live broadcast, many of which related to current events.

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Who has seen? 2023 last episode: the case of Melania Rea

However, for the grand finale, the program reserves a surprise not just. The landlady gives the floor to a man who for some time, in the past, was the protagonist of the Italian crime news. It’s about Salvatore Parolisi, definitively sentenced to 20 years in prison for the murder of his wife, Melania Rea. The woman was killed in 2011 in Colle San Marco, in the province of Teramo, with 35 stab wounds.

Currently the ex-military is finishing his sentence. 12 years have passed and he can take advantage of the daily permits. Furthermore, can leave the prison facility of Bollate in which he is imprisoned. parolysis, joined by the correspondent Raffaella Griggi during an award leave, he speaks for the first time after the trial.

«It will be tough because the name is a bit like that… then there are those who have prejudices, those who don’t», he says in the short preview published on the social pages of the program. Despite the outcome of the trial, he has always pleaded innocent. The case of Melania Rea is also the subject of this month’s episode of the famous crime podcast “Investigations”.

Updates on the disappearance of little Kata

During the live – also available on RaiPlay – there will be a way to talk about the case of little Kataleya Alvarez known as Kata, the 5-year-old girl who disappeared on June 10 in Florence. The previews reveal a video link with the parents. «We are desperate. Don’t judge me or my wifedo not judge the history of racketeering. The main and important thing is to find Kataleya. The police will take care of the rest» says the father.

Still, space for appeals, requests for help and reports from people in difficulty. In fact, there are thousands of cases of which Who did you see it? has dealt with from the first edition in 1989 to the present. The format is simple: those who are in pain for a loved one contact the editorial staff and the appeal is broadcast live during the episode, during an interview with the presenter.

A chat lasting a few minutes during which as many details as possible are provided to speed up the discovery. AND there are many cases in which relatives and friends have been able to embrace the missing person thanks to the appeal broadcast on TV. With this in mind, Who has seen? it is a real Public Service.

“Who has seen? 2023”, Federica Sciarelli. (Getty Images)

Who has seen? 2023Public Service in a pop key

A mission undertaken over thirty years ago, under the direction of Donatella Raffai, and which, still today, is the fulcrum of the programme. Sciarelli arrives in 2004 and with his management Who has seen? takes a new turn. It introduces the investigative track thanks also to reconstructions and testimonies to friends and family of the disappeared. Furthermore, deals with cold cases, those unsolved cases that occupy a large space in the Italian crime news.

Today the program also has a double soul. On the one hand it is pure Public Service, on the other it is also entertainment. Over the years, in addition to dealing in depth with the cases of the moment, was able to conquer the social audience, strengthening itself on the target audience. In particular, every week on Twitter hordes of fans are ready to comment with the hashtag #chilhavisters.

In short, a format capable of combining the drama of the facts told with the interest of viewers, declined in a pop key. A feat only succeeded by another pillar of crime news told on television: Franca Leosini with her Cursed stories.

