“Salvador Illa can never be a valid interlocutor to generate trust”

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont assured this Thursday that the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa“can never be a valid interlocutor to generate trust” in the negotiations for the investiture.

In a message on the social network Jordi Pujolwho, in statements to El Nacional, recommended that the independence movement avoid “candidity” when negotiating with Pedro Sanchez: “He is right,” said Puigdemont.

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Before Puigdemont’s message, the general secretary of JxCat, Jordi Turullhas assured in X that “giving prominence” to “whoever deceived Junts the day before the pact of shame in Barcelona to prevent Xavier Trias was mayor” is “a very strange way of showing us that they are trustworthy.

Specifically, Turull has alluded to the meeting that Sánchez and Illa held yesterday at the PSOE headquarters in Madrid, after the socialist candidate received the order from the king to form a government on Tuesday. “Turull does well to remember the reasons why Salvador Illa can never be a valid interlocutor to generate trust,” Puigdemont added in X.
