Salt’n’Sugar – The perfect tarte flambée

Spandau Riviera – that’s what Berlin’s most idiosyncratic little people call their western bank of the Havel. Oh well. Italian Mediterranean coast is different. But it’s still nice here.

The “Salt’n’Sugar” is located directly on the water – and a few kilometers away from the beer garden conviviality at Kladower Hafen. The waves lap at the shore path right behind the windows of the small dining room (in summer the beautiful sun terrace). An idyll.

“Flammkuchen, the secret stars of our kitchen,” reveals the menu. Not any longer longer! From the nine variants (eg with seafood for 14.50 euros or sweet with fruit for 13.50 euros) we opt for the classic Alsatian style with bacon, onions and spring leeks (11.50 euros).

Wafer-thin, crispy, perfect. Sharing it wasn’t such a good idea…

Equally delicious: the roast beef with crispy fried potatoes and light orange and herb sour cream (15 euros) and the beef burger with hop wedges on brioche and red cabbage salad (15.50 euros). The gorgonzola is often exchanged for cheddar.

The braised ox cheeks (20.50 euros) will not be available again until April. Good. Let’s come again.

Corona, Putin’s war in Europe: a few hours’ vacation is a gift. Evening fog is gathering from the other bank. Spandau’s Riviera becomes the Baltic Sea.

Breitehornweg 36, Kladow, currently Fri./Sat. 12-6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Tel. 36500981, make a reservation, Restaurant on the web
