Salernitana, Nicola the new coach: official in the day

The management has chosen the successor of Colantuono: the challenge is to repeat the companies already in the curriculum

Salernitana is ready to formalize the turning point in technical driving. Unless twists and turns, it will be up to Davide Nicola to lead the grenade team in the final part of the season.

The mission

The expert coach seems to have won the ballot with Andrea Pirlo, who also ended up in the crosshairs of the ds Sabatini after the decision to sack Stefano Colantuono. Nicola has the task of repeating the feats achieved with Crotone, Genoa and Turin with salvation achieved despite precarious ranking situations. Like that of Salernitana, last with thirteen points but with two games less (to recover the one with Udinese, very likely to play also with Venice). Colantuono, who had taken over from Castori after eight days, scored nine points in fifteen races. Yesterday he directed the training, while the one scheduled for this morning was postponed to the afternoon waiting for the new coach.


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