Salary of new bpost CEO raises eyebrows: at least 200,000 euros more than predecessor | Instagram VTM NEWS

UPDATEBpost has put a lot of money on the table to attract its future postal boss Chris Peeters. Peeters would earn at least 200,000 euros more annually than his predecessor and receive a one-off “signing bonus” of 250,000 euros. However, the exact amount remains unclear, to the annoyance of opposition parties N-VA and PVDA. “We wanted to bring in a strong candidate,” bpost explains in response to the fuss.

LOOK. Chris Peeters from Elia becomes the new CEO of bpost

The new CEO of bpost, Chris Peeters – the current CEO of grid operator Elia, has not yet started and there is already a fuss about his salary. When his appointment was announced last week, questions already arose as to why someone would pass up a better-paid job at a well-run company for a job at bpost. But according to the newspapers De Standaard and Le Soir, the postal company has found a way to close the pay gap with its previous employer: through a special long-term bonus.

Exactly how much he will earn remains a question mark, but according to the French-language newspaper, guardian minister Petra De Sutter (Green) said in the core cabinet last weekend that Peeters will earn 1.2 million euros. The basic salary would be 585,000 euros, but with all kinds of bonuses this could rise to more than one million euros.

1.35 million euros

No one, neither at bpost nor in the government, wants to say much about exactly how much they will earn now. According to the Belga press agency, De Sutter refers to bpost itself, and there they talk about a “market-based” wage. Yet Peeters would earn a lot more than his predecessor Dirk Tirez, who had to make do with 968,000 euros. Compared to his current job, he will still have to make concessions. Peeters receives 1.35 million euros from grid operator Elia.

Chris Peeters will switch to bpost on October 30. Since the departure of Dirk Tirez in December, Bpost has been led by interim CEO Philippe Dartienne. Tirez disappeared after possible irregularities in the tender for the newspaper distribution concession came to light. Tirez’s predecessor, Jean-Paul Van Avermaet, had also been discredited. Peeters has been appointed for a period of 6 years to get everything back in order.

Bpost: “We wanted to bring in a strong candidate”

Bpost provided more information to the Belga news agency on Monday about the pay package with which it convinced new CEO Chris Peeters to lead the postal company. That includes one by the way one-off “signing bonus” of 250,000 euros.

Bpost says it was looking for one “strong and high-quality candidate”, to meet the many challenges the company faces. They selected Chris Peeters, the CEO of high-voltage operator Elia and former ‘Manager of the Year’.

But it turned out there is a “great divide”. between what Peeters earns at Elia and the salary of the previous CEO at bpost, Dirk Tirez. “That is why we coordinated with the government and the minister about what was possible,” said bpost spokeswoman Veerle Van Mierlo.

In concrete terms, the new CEO’s pay package consists of a base salary and a short-term bonus, just like the previous CEO, the company said. That base salary is the same as the previous CEO, albeit indexed. It was previously announced that the amount involved was 585,000 euros. The percentage of the short-term bonus is higher than for the previous CEO – 50 percent of the base salary – but is also dependent on achieving targets.

New is a long-term bonus, which can only be paid out from the third year and is dependent on a range of objectives: financial results, sustainability results and good governance results. This new long-term bonus can amount to a maximum of 50 percent of the basic salary.

According to the spokeswoman, Peeters could therefore “earn less or more” than the previous CEO, depending on whether the objectives are achieved. According to the newspaper Le Soir, the salary could amount to 1.2 million euros. “Theoretically that is possible,” the company said.

Minister of Public Enterprises Petra De Sutter (Green) refers to post, but the postal company is also silent about specific amounts. © Photo News

N-VA criticizes lack of transparency

N-VA MP Michael Freilich, who monitors the bpost file in the House, calls it “scandalous” that the De Croo government does not provide transparency about the salary of the new bpost CEO. “In public positions and at government companies, it is evident that there is complete transparency about pay and employment conditions,” said the opposition member. “That’s the difference with a private company.”

It’s scandalous, but not surprising, that De Sutter remains silent about bpost CEO pay

Michael Freilich, N-VA MP

“But I am not very surprised,” says Freilich, “First of all, bpost is doing what we have come to expect from them for years, namely not offering any transparency. The fact that Minister De Sutter is silent is also no surprise. The Socialists and the Greens have been advocating for years to limit wages at public companies.”

“It was the then PS minister Labille who forced former CEO Johnny Thijs to resign with a hefty pay cut. That is why, compared to private companies, the company was unable to attract top executives for the CEO position and therefore saw billions in profits evaporate on the stock market. Now they are returning to those steps, but they are too cowardly to acknowledge that their own recipes were useless,” concludes the N-VA MP.

PVDA wants text and explanation

Member of Parliament Maria Vindevoghel (PVDA) also wants more transparency and asks that Minister De Sutter provide text and explanation in the House. “The amounts now circulating in the press are far above the wage ceiling at public companies,” says the communist opposition member. “A new boss at bpost apparently means a new bonus. When will the postmen, drivers, sorters and counter clerks at bpost get a pay increase?”

Also read:

PORTRAIT. Chris Peeters is the sixth CEO in four years at bpost: the new CEO should not be ‘contaminated’ (+)

“Don’t focus on material things in your twenties, but on self-development”: new bpost CEO Chris Peeters shares his life lessons (+)
