Salaries at the crime scene: This is how much money the crime scene stars collect per episode

Thiel and Boerne: The most popular crime scene duo

According to a recent ZDF survey, Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers, the team of investigators from Münster, better known by the names of their characters Frank Thiel and Karl-Friedrich Boerne, are the undisputed number one of the most popular crime scene inspectors with 35 percent of the votes. This is followed by the inspectors Ballauf and Schenk from Cologne and Batic and Leitmayr with their team from Munich, who have also solved most of the cases so far. The duo Eisner and Fellner from Vienna are in fourth place in the ranking of the most popular inspectors.

Which actor earns the most?

But the popularity of the inspectors says nothing about the salary of the actors. While the ARD announces that every household supports the crime scene and the police emergency number 110 with 14 cents of the monthly broadcasting fee, no information about the salaries of the actors is disclosed.

However, in July, the information portal Chip collected information on this topic. It is rumored that Maria Furtwängler aka Commissioner Lindholm from Cologne earns 220,000 euros per episode and is therefore the best-earning Tatort actress. Other sources name Til Schweiger (Kommissar Tschiller from Hamburg) as the best-earning actor – he is said to earn a total of 300,000 euros per episode. But also Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers aka Thiel and Boerne from Münster should earn well at the crime scene and get a salary of around 120,000 euros per episode. Overall, according to ARD, the Tatort productions usually cost 1.5 to 1.7 million euros per episode.

That’s how much the German crime scene stars earn in an international comparison

Such a well-paid job would be a dream for most viewers of the crime series – for comparison: According to Chip, whoever portrays a corpse earns 50 euros per day of shooting. Naked corpses and other extras should be paid a little better.

However, if you make an international comparison with similar jobs or even in the same professional field, it becomes clear that the German cult heroes in the industry are by far not among the best earners. A Statista statistic shows that US actors, for example, get significantly more money for their appearances in a series than the commissioners. According to GQ, “Game of Thrones” actors Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke received $ 500,000 per episode for the seventh season of the hit series.

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Image sources: el lobo /
