Sala Waka says there is “a media conspiracy” to close the nightclub

  • The director of the Mossos defends the operation deployed this Friday in Waka because it is a place of “recurring” incidents such as the Brisas nightclub, where they broke in in the same way two months ago

The waka disco has published a statement on his Instagram account in which he states that “all” the information that has been given about the disco They are “false” and “misleading” and that they have been written with the intention of “damaging” the image and “reputation” of the premises. Sala Waka, the statement points out, is a place where the regulations are complied with and which aims to provide a “safe” environment for clients who come to dance. But there is, according to the writing, “a hidden interest” and a “media plot” to damage the “good name” of the establishment to “force its closure” in an “unjustified and arbitrary manner”.

The disco publishes this message after the Mossos broke into the room on Friday night to carry out a police operation that stopped its activity. It was, according to the opinion of those responsible for the nightlife establishment, a “disproportionate” device that “paralyzed” the disco “for no reason.” The company ends the statement by assuring that it will take legal action to “defend the good name of the establishment & rdquor ;.

The Mossos defend the operation

The director of the Catalan police, Pere Ferrer, explained this Sunday, in an interview with RAC1, that the operation that was activated last morning in Waka is similar to the one that took place two months ago at the Brisas venue on Paral·lel avenue in Barcelona, ​​a scenario linked to to two murders in the last five years. In Waka and Brisas these operations have been deployed because they are contexts of “recurring incidents”, Ferrer has defended.

Ninety Mossos riot police, accompanied by citizen security agents and the administrative police area, broke into the Waka nightclub at 02:45 in the morning on Saturday. It was an operation like the one that stopped the music of Brisas in November. The police officers identified 906 young people who were dancing inside. This nightclub, which has been the scene of sexual assaults or episodes branded as racist between security personnel and some clients, is currently being investigated by the Mossos to clarify its degree of responsibility in the episode of the dissemination of the video of the minor at the end of of 2022.

A minor under the age of 16 who performed fellatio on the track on a young man of legal age was recorded by the mobile phones of some attendees and these images ended up being shared massively. The family denounced days later that it was a sexual assault given that the minor’s faculties were affected by some narcotic substance and the Catalan police promised, through the “conseller” of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, that they would clarify if it was or not of an assault – the case is under judicial review – and would persecute those who recorded and shared the video – committing a crime that violates the sexual indemnity of the girl and that can be considered distribution of child pornography as it is a scene sexual act carried out by a minor.

1% of clients with drugs

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The police operation, which was carried out in parallel to the investigation of the last incident in the video of the minor, denounced ten of the 906 attendees for drug possession. Only 1% of the clients had drugs on them and there were no doses on the dance floor – they tend to throw them on the ground when they see the police enter – nor have any weapons been found. “Access controls work”, remark the same sources.

The Waka discotheque, a venue that is regularly attended by a public between 16 and 18 years of age, is located next to the old Zona Hermètica in Sabadell but belongs to the municipality of Sant Quirze del Vallès, whose City Council has been asking for the involvement of the Generalitat for years to proceed to its closure.
