Sala: “New stadium? The Council decision will come in a year”

The mayor of Milan: “Troubled history, my intention is to take one step at a time”

After the public debate that will end on November 18, it will take another year for the City Council of Milan to express itself on the project for the new stadium for Inter and Milan. These are the timing hypothesized by the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, on the sidelines of the ceremony on November 4th. “We will go to the city council in a year, now unfortunately this story of the stadium is so troubled and my intention is to take it one step at a time – he explained -. The next step is to receive the result of the public debate on November 18, from the public debate we will have to formally respond either by accepting the observations that have been made or reject them by arguing, after which the junta will deliberate. At that point the teams will have the task, on the one hand of building the executive project and on the other hand, to better explain how San Siro would be dismantled, unless we find other interests on the road. Opinions change in a year ”.


Today eight majority city councilors will hold a press conference in dissent with the new stadium project. “I have the impression that on a topic like this when you go to the council there may not be the classic division between center left and center right – he concluded -, but this is my impression to date, in a year who knows how things will be” .
