Sainz: “Ferrari strong in Hungary. But the right conditions will be needed”

The Spaniard talks about the Prancing Horse’s prospects over the Hungarian weekend: “If the conditions are favourable, we can be protagonists. Competitiveness with our rivals will also depend a lot on the various tracks”

– budapest (hungary)

Carlos Sainz Jr is optimistic about the weekend of Hungarian GP from the Ferrari. The Spaniard is convinced that what we saw at Silverstone is not necessarily indicative of a drop in performance from the Prancing Horse, that this weekend, with the right conditions, the SF-23 could unleash a competitive performance. “I had said that Silverstone was a track to be taken carefully – he said in the opening press conference of the Hungarian weekend – I knew that going back to a track with lots of wind and high-speed corners the values ​​would change. The battle between the teams is close, we are very close to our opponents”.


Sainz thinks that many results between now and the end of the season will depend on the characteristics of the tracks: “I think there will be races in which we will be ahead and others in which we will be behind, and maybe by two tenths that will make the difference. However, it doesn’t mean that it has gotten worse, it will depend on the type of track and how the cars adapt, we don’t need to give excessive judgements, we will see positive weekends and others less so”.

external factors

What can we expect from Ferrari in Hungary? We hope to go better than at Silverstone, unfortunately our car is quite sensitive to some factors that we can’t control, such as track temperature and side winds. But if the conditions are favourable, we can be protagonists, I hope so.”


Then a hint of his future in Ferrari and his possible renewal: “I agree with Fred (Vasseur; ed) that at the moment the priority is not the future of the drivers but working well to improve the competitiveness of the car, we have many races ahead to intervene”. Perhaps imitating his compatriot Alcaraz who has just won Wimbledon in tennis: “I am proud of my country, Carlos follows Rafa Nadal, but we are also strong in football, in basketball, we are a relatively small nation but we produce excellent athletes to root for, I am proud to be part of this group of sportsmen”.
