Sailing: the best of the Stars in the world racing in the sea of ​​Naples

In the water 50 crews from 12 Nations of the queen of the Olympic classes. Chieffi: “It will be a great emotion”

The Gulf of Naples returns after 16 years to host the regattas of what is considered by all to be the queen of the Olympic classes: the Star (18 participations in the Games from 1932 to 2012, all editions except 1976). The Eastern Hemisphere Championship will be held from April 27 to May 1 in the waters of Santa Lucia. Fifty crews, representing 12 nations, will participate in the event organized by the International Star Class Association, the Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia and the Capri Fleet, in collaboration with the Marina di Napoli, the Circolo Remo and Vela Italia, the Circolo Canottieri Napoli and with the patronage of the Federation.


Some of the best world specialists in the class will compete in the water, starting with Enrico Chieffi world champion with Roberto Sinibaldi in 1996 and winner, paired with Ferdinando Colaninno, of the European title last year and of the Italian championship just ended in Gaeta. “It is always a great thrill to return to Naples – said the sailor, recently appointed as CEO of Slam – it will be because I am very fond of it (both parents of Chieffi are of Neapolitan origins, ed), but in my opinion it is the most beautiful in the world. The race course is spectacular and very technical, for the next few days I expect hard-fought regattas also for the high level of participants, it will be a beautiful event “. Diego Negri, European vice president of the International Star Class and reigning world champion, will not miss the appointment either. “It will be a wonderful sporting event – said Negri – Savoia has worked hard for months. The regattas will take place in the splendid Gulf of Naples, in front of many people who will be able to watch the regattas from the seafront. We are also satisfied with the number of participants, the 50 pre-registrations confirm the excellent state of health of the Star Class. I’ll be in the water too, I hope to confirm myself at the top after last year’s world title “. The program includes four days of racing, from Thursday 28 April to Sunday 1 May (starting signal at noon). Two races a day are planned for a total of eight races. Tomorrow at 10 am the opening ceremony will be held, followed by the test race and in the evening the crew party on the quay. Sunday the award ceremony on the terrace of the Circolo Savoia.
