SAG Awards 2022, the unforgettable moments of the evening

No.I’m not there SAG Awards without emotions. And in the 2022 edition of one of the most important cinema awards (the Screen Actors Guild Awardsi awards assigned annually by Screen Actors Guild) there have been several. From the Lifetime Achievement Award to Helen Mirren at the embrace between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper that took us back in time to bare feet, on stage, by Selena Gomez. And, of course, a thought to Ukraine could not be missing.

Sag Awards 2022, Lifetime Achievement Award to Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren on the stage of the Sag Awards 2022 in Dolce & Gabbana look

Pink look by Dolce & Gabbana, radiant and visibly excited, Helen Mirren received the Sag Lifetime Achievement Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award. “I don’t feel I deserve it, except for the fact that I’m still alive and continuing to workSaid the 76-year-old actress. By dedicating recognition to all the people with whom she has shared her professional life. “They are the actors I am addressing. Following my dream of following in Eleonora Duse’s footsteps, through the inspiration of Anna Magnani, Monica Vitti, and then with Winslet, Riley, B. Carter, Coleman, Comer, Cole and Kirby, I joined this rogue tribe and wanderers long ago. It is you actors that I want to thank. Your perception, your emotional generosity, your great intelligence, your incredible energy and your dedication to the profession we have chosen ”.

The embrace between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper

Sag Awards 2022


Both nominated for the 2022 Sag Awards, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper met and hugged again during the ceremony. In the audience, he, smiling, can’t help but go towards her and greet her with a warm hug. And the minds of the fans can only take a leap in time. He ran the year 2019 when the two performed in a very romantic duet with Shallowsoundtrack by A star is bornon the stage of the Oscars. The alchemy between the couple was evident. It was then she who denied the rumors about a flirt. “Have they seen love? It was what we wanted to see. ” Now I embrace the SAGs, which shows that between two, if not feeling, there is certainly a good friendship.

Lady Gaga da Fazio: beauty, the Italian Lgbtq + community and Bradley Cooper

Lady Gaga da Fazio: beauty, the Italian Lgbtq + community and Bradley Cooper

Selena Gomez barefoot

Hilarious the curtain of Selena Gomez. The star, in presenting the award to be given to an actress in the secondary role, she walked on stage barefoot. The reason? She tripped on the red carpet before the SAG delivery ceremony. The actress and singer, in fact, wore very high heels on the red carpet. But she tripped and ended up on her knees in front of the photographers. Reason why she showed up without shoes on stage.

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The thought of Ukraine

Then, among the highlights of the evening, a thought to theUkraine. It was enough a detail of Michael Douglas’ look to remember her: the actor, in fact, had the colors of the Ukrainian flag on his jacket. “The Ukrainian population is in our prayers,” his wife Catherine Zeta Jones wrote on Instagram. And even Lady Gaga, on social media, immediately after the ceremony dedicated a thought to the populations affected by the war: “I’m praying for Ukraine,” she wrote on Instagram. Because the show must go on, but forgetting what is happening is impossible.

