Safety is not self-evident: presentation Security Strategy Kingdom of the Netherlands | News item

News item | 03-04-2023 | 10:00 am

Security in our Kingdom cannot be taken for granted. This requires our constant attention to ensure that we are and remain safe. Because without security, we cannot live in freedom. Today, Minister of Justice and Security Yeşilgöz-Zegerius and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoekstra will send the Security Strategy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Security Strategy) to the House of Representatives.

This Security Strategy for the Kingdom lays the foundation for a future in which we are resilient and prepared for the threats of today and tomorrow. For the first time, there is a strategy for all countries in the Kingdom and internal and external security are linked in policy terms. Recent security analyzes show that the urgency is high: the chance that events affecting national security will occur in the coming years is relatively high.

“Security is a core task of the government. At the same time, there is no absolute security. Threats cannot be completely eliminated. This means that we also call on citizens, companies, social organizations and other institutions to take measures themselves against threats. It is therefore also a call to be alert and prepared. Just in case things go wrong.”

according to Yesilgoz-Zegerius.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine makes it clear once again that our European security is under threat. We are experiencing another war on European soil. But that’s not the only threat. Our geopolitical, economic and digital security are also being put to the test. This requires a coherent, proactive and strong response at national and international level. Strengthening our national resilience is not possible without the world around us. This includes forming international coalitions and generating international support. A more secure Kingdom requires solid cooperation in Europe, in NATO and worldwide.”

said Hoekstra.

Strategic course

The security strategy consists of three parts. The first part consists of the national security interests to be protected from the point of view of national security and the main developments of the threats against national security. The six national security interests are: territorial, physical, economic and ecological security, social and political stability and international rule of law and stability. The threat landscape is translated into a strategic course in the second part of the strategy, along three main objectives and twelve lines of action that apply to the entire Kingdom. The three main objectives are: a safe Kingdom in a multipolar world, a resilient democratic legal order and a ready and resilient society. The third part of the strategy answers the question of what the integral management and division of responsibility for national security within the Kingdom looks like.

Risk communication

This Security Strategy also marks the starting point of a new phase in the intensification of risk communication by the central government, together with security regions, municipalities and civil society organisations, among others. Since December 2022 is up what the government is doing to prepare for threats and crises and how citizens and businesses can prepare. This new phase marks the start of an online public campaign that calls on people to discuss risks and preparation with those around them. This increases risk awareness in society.

The Security Strategy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands was developed with the broad involvement of public, private and civil society organizations in all parts of the Kingdom, under the coordination of the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV).
