Safer to school: Zwevegem and Ledegem receive subsidies

Safer to school: Zwevegem and Ledegem receive subsidies

In Ledegem the school environments of Hugo Verriestlaan, Kortewagenstraat and Rollegemstraat will receive new road markings and new traffic signs. To make the road to school safer, the road markings and crossings in Sint-Eloois-Winkelstraat and Molenstraat are also being tackled.

In Zwevegem In addition to new road markings and new traffic signs, there will also be new street furniture. This concerns the area surrounding the Center Schools and the Kouter Schools.

“My goal is more road safety on all school routes and in all school environments. For example, the ‘child standard’ was explicitly included in the new road safety plan,” said Minister Peeters. “In addition, children are the ideal bicycle ambassadors to help achieve the modal and mental shift in the medium term.”
