Safe debit card payments abroad: five tips for the holiday | Money

Five tips:

1. Bank cards are set for use within Europe by default.

Are you going further away? Then you have to adjust the setting. This is fastest in the app, or with internet banking. And don’t forget to put the pass back into use in Europe immediately after returning home.

2. It is not possible to pay with a debit card in every country.

So bring a credit card with you just in case. Don’t have one? There are also prepaid credit cards, where you can deposit money in advance. With this you can pay almost anywhere.

3. Are you going to a country with a different currency and are you paying with your debit card?

Always choose the option to pay in the local currency. Then your own bank determines the exchange rate, which is usually more favorable than the bank of the country where you are.

4. Are you going to a country outside Europe?

Then it is possible that payment is still made with the magnetic strip of a debit card and you should be alert to skimming, confirms a spokesperson for the Dutch Banking Association. Within Europe, this risk no longer exists, because the chip in the bank card is always used. So check at an ATM abroad that no camera or device has been placed in front of or on the slot of the bank card, and always shield your PIN code. Also, don’t be distracted while using your card.

Has your card been stolen or skimmed? Then have him blocked as soon as possible. It can be useful to save the number of your bank’s fraud line in your telephone.

5. Withdraw cash?

The costs abroad differ per bank, so pay attention! Commercial ATMs are often more expensive than bank ATMs. If all goes well, you have to agree to the costs, and you can stop the transaction if you think it’s too expensive. So try different machines to find a cheap ATM. And try to limit the number of times you have to withdraw cash. So pin where you can.
