Sadio Mané apparently misses Liverpool FC

At least since the cabin Zoff last Tuesday, the future of Sadio Mané has been discussed around FC Bayern. According to a media report, the offensive man misses Liverpool FC.

At the beginning of the season, Sadio Mané was considered a real Bayern transfer coup. But now the 31-year-old is under criticism. In terms of sport, the attacker has only been able to show his class sporadically in recent months. Finally, the veteran made a misstep inside the dressing room.

According to consistent media reports, Mané beat his team-mate Leroy Sané after the Champions League game at Manchester City (0:3). FC Bayern reacted to the incident with a suspension and a fine. Since then it has been debated whether Mané still has a sporting future on Säbener Straße.

As the “Football Insider” portal reports, the offensive man longs for a return to the Premier League. It is said that Mané even told friends that he misses Liverpool. However, the Reds are said not to be interested in a return campaign, as the club probably wants to focus on midfield and defense in its transfer activities.

Sadio Mané with a difficult time at Bayern

Mané only switched from Liverpool to FC Bayern last summer. In Munich, the newcomer could only shine sporadically. An inflammation in the head of the fibula also condemned him to watching for several months.

Due to the recent cabin excitement, Mané is under observation more than ever. But the 31-year-old is sure of the support of his head coach at Bayern.

“I’m his first lawyer and also his first defense attorney. I only know him as an absolute top professional. Everyone has the right to make a mistake. That was too much. He saw it and an apology was made,” said Thomas Tuchel about the incident in Paris.
