Sadie Sink: age, instagram, stranger things and movies

H.just turned 20, Sadie Sink – she was born on April 16, 2002 – and her freckled face has all the grit and, at the same time, the delicacy of his beautiful age.

Sadie Sink as a child

This girl, raised in a tribe of male brothers – as well as a little sister, Jaceyhas three brothers, Caleb, Spencer And Mitchell – defines himself as a real one tomboy. Just like his most famous character, Maxthe little girl who won the hearts of viewers of Stranger Things, series in which he took part from 2017gaining more and more space.

Below, as a child with one of her brothers

The beginnings of Sadie Sink

The passion for acting was born at a very young age: when she was a child, Sadie Sink loved to try her hand at imitating the characters of the series of High School Musicalwhich he recreated at home with his brother Mitchell.

Her mother, to channel her little girl’s creativity, decided to send her, when she was only seven years old, to a public theater. From there to an audition on Broadwaythe step was short.

With the other very young colleagues on Broadway on the set of the musical “Annie”

And the talents of the girl, well trained thanks to the imitations of her idols of High School Musicalhave borne their fruits: he was only 11 years old when she managed to land a part in the revival of the musical Anniein 2012. Later he starred in various television dramas and films, starring, three years later, also in the US series American Odyssey.

In that same year, 2015, he still acts in the theater, where he took part in The Audienceplaying a youthful version of the Queen Elizabeth IItogether with the very famous Helen Mirren (under).

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From left, Sadie Sink, Helen Mirren and Elizabeth Teeter in “The Audience”. (Getty IMages)

“Many people,” he said to Vogue Portugal, “They know me for Stranger Things but I’ve been working since I was seven. I starred with Helen Mirren on my second Broadway show and she was amazing. He is not alone a fantastic actress but it is also one kind personHe said.

A country where “there is nothing”

But let’s take a step back in Sadie Sink’s life again. What has led this little girl to try her hand at acting since she was a little girl? Yes, it’s okay her love for her TV favorites, but, as she put it, the reason for his choices was much more profound. “I grew up in a village where there is nothing, and if you don’t do sports you get bored“.

She, on the other hand, has always had a passion for dance and theater. And when her school decided to stage her own High School Musical “I worked so hard to get a part. This passion led me to Broadway and then to a new life, where I learned to focus on singing, dancing and acting“.

Already just 10 years old “I had a very busy scheduleyet it never bothered me why i love being on stage. I did eight shows a week, I only had one day off, which I often used to finish homework! I never went to bed before midnight, yet it was an experience that gave me so much satisfaction, I will never forget it ».

Maybe something of hers was missing youthbut in return it has could do everything he loved mostalways: to act.

Not only Stranger Things: the films he starred in

We talked about Sadie Sink in relation to Stranger Things, but that wasn’t the only significant experience in the young actress’s career. In fact, the girl is also known for the role of Suzanne Ballard in Odyssey (2015), Kimberly in The Bleeder (2016) and Lori in The Glass Castle (2017).

Below, the trailer for The glass castle

Woody (Harrelsonwho starred with her in the film The Glass Castle, ed) is like an adoptive fatherI am also very good friends with your daughter Makani, ”she said.

During the shooting «he taught me a lot, not so much about cinema but about what is happening in the world, especially at the level of social consciousness. And then I had the honor of working with Naomi Wattswhich is one of the my favorite actresses, who really cared about me. “

Below, with the cast of the film

In fact, Watts took care of her every day, «e it helped me a lot in building the character of Lorito understand what foundation I should have found for make it vital and credible. What can I say … I love my job “, he always repeats,”I’m very lucky to have the opportunity to work with sensitive and passionate actors “.

The audition for Stranger Things

But it is useless to lie: to have made it known to the general public was her Max, heroine of Stranger Things. The “call to arms”Took place during a Giants game, when the girl was with her father at the stadium.

“My father coaches a football team so we often go to the stadium to see the Giants. One evening, during a game, my manager called me telling me I had ahearing for the new season of Stranger Thingswhich happened to be my favorite show at the time. “

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With Stranger Things peers David Harbor, Millie Bobby Brown and Caleb McLaughlin in 2018. (GettyImages)

It was certainly not easy, despite his experience: “I did five auditions and various screen tests in front of the cameraHe said.

Sadie knew nothing of Max, of his history, they had given her no clue as to his personality. Not bad: «So I imagined her to be a sports enthusiasthow my father would have liked it! », he said.

And in the meantime he learned to skateboard

When they chose her, «I discovered that she was skateboarding, therefore I had to learn everything about this discipline“. She watched hours of Tony Hawk videos and she had an instructor for three hours each day who taught her various tricks.

I’ve gotten pretty goodbut to avoid breaking something they forced me to wear a mountain of equipment, elbow pads, wrist guards, knee pads, helmet … Fortunately I fell very little “.

The restless Max Mayfield

His Max Mayfield is a girl who hates pink and frills and prefers skateboarding, plays video games and is a champion of Dragon’s Lair. For his tomboy passions she quickly becomes friends with the group of kids from her school.

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Starring Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard and Noah Schnapp at the Stranger Things season 3 premiere in 2019. (GettyImages)

“Actually me I’m not a big fan of video games“He said,” I prefer musical films like Singing in the rain. I’m also great passionate about photography and documentaries about animals. I also really like science fiction movies, I hope someday I can work with Ridley Scott “: ambitious, the girl.

Much of the season is centered around her

«Much of the new season of Stranger Things it concerns MaxMatt Duffer told IGN. “We open the season with her struggling with her pain for death of his brotherwhich he tries in every way to deal with ».

And Max, on the other hand, does not open easily to people. In his life he excluded many people, “which it makes things even more difficult“, tells.

Below, here she is in the Season 4 trailer

Sadie Sink’s affection for colleagues

In an interview with Voguesaid he had a great respect for all the other actors. “Acting has always been a passion,” she explained.

“It was totally my decision to enter this world. One thing I love about all the guys from Stranger Things is that we are all autonomous actors. We entered this world regardless of the support of our families. And we were able to find success in this industry thanks to our passion “.

The latest addition to the “family”

Sadie Sink is a lot linked to her young colleagueseven though she joined the cast of Stranger Things after than the others. “I wasn’t very scared of what the cast would think of me,” she told Marie Claire in 2017. In fact, she above all he was afraid that the fans would not like himeven if they welcomed it very well.

To support it there have always also been the Duffer brothers, with whom she has established a beautiful relationship. “I’ve never worked with two directors before,” she said, “but they work so well together.” And also with Millie Bobby Brown «we are very good friendswe often see each other off the set, ”he said.

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Millie Bobby Brown and Sadie in 2019. (Getty Images)

Young and busy

Just like some of her peers, Sadie Sink also has one keen sensitivity to contemporary issuesin particular the animal protection. TO Vogue Portugal in 2019, the actress explained that she supports the New York Pet Rescueassociation of volunteers for the rescue and protection of animals.

Below, with her cat Leo, taken from the cattery

Plus, he hasn’t eaten meat in years. “I was 14 when I became a veganHe said. “I was a vegetarian before, so it wasn’t difficult as a transition. I wanted to do everything I could for the environment and for the animals ». She was inspired by actor Woody Harrelson, whom she met on the set of The Glass Castle.

In 2018 she was the narrator together with Rooney Mara, Sia, Joaquin Phoenix and Kat von D in the documentary Dominion on animal rights, thanks to which he won the prize Excellence for Narration by the Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards. So young, already so busy.

