‘Sad that this is necessary’, Natasja hangs scarves on lampposts

Scarves hang from lampposts throughout Tilburg, not for fun but for the homeless in the city. Natasja van Alphen hangs six scarves in the Wilhelminapark on Thursday afternoon. “These will be gone in a few hours. It is so desperately needed.” Such a warm scarf, isn’t it? “I don’t find a scarf comfortable at all, so I don’t wear one myself,” she laughs.

Natasja started the warm initiative in the winter of 2016. “I saw them doing this in a park in America. I thought that was such a nice gesture.” Not much later, the first scarves also hung in Tilburg. “Because there is also a lot of poverty here. It’s such an important thing to do.” In the meantime, 32 municipalities have followed Tilburg’s example.

“Literally and figuratively spreading warmth.”

At home, Natasja is busy tying yellow cards to the scarves. ‘I didn’t lose. Feel free to take me with you if you are cold, I am here to give you warmth,” it reads. “I’m going to hang this in the park. They are for people who are less fortunate, homeless or for people who need a light in the darkness,” says Natasja proudly.

According to her, it gives warmth to people who need it and it also brightens up the city a bit. “I miss humanity, there is so much hatred in the world. With a small gesture you can give hope to one person and hopefully a nice insight to another.” In Tilburg she is not alone in this, a whole team is active to distribute warm scarves.

While the temperature drops below zero, the scarves are hung up by Natasja. “This feels great, it feels nice to be able to do this for someone. Literally and figuratively spreading warmth.”

“It’s actually very sad, it shouldn’t be allowed.”

Natasja notices every day that the scarves are desperately needed. Every day she hangs new colorful scarves on lampposts, traffic signs or art in the city. “They are gone after a few hours. It’s actually very sad, it shouldn’t be allowed. I prefer everything to hang because then everyone has enough warmth.”

In some cases she is not even able to hang the scarves. “Then I am approached by someone who is cold and would like to have a scarf. Then I feel like a rich person, that is so grateful.”

Natasja is ready just before dark. “I’ll do another round tomorrow.” Without wearing a scarf yourself, that is. “I don’t find a scarf comfortable at all, so I don’t wear one myself.”

Natasja gets almost all the scarves donated or she buys them herself if a financial donation has been received. Through Facebook can help everyone spread some warmth in Tilburg.

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