Sacchi and the missed handshake with Di Monte

The referee’s gesture towards the linesman Di Monte in Lecce-Sassuolo, which sparked social media, was not liked by the leaders. Sacchi was then reprimanded by Rocchi and had already been at the center of controversy in the past

Matteo Dalla Vite

Not an edifying gesture nor even a beautiful one, but the handshake that the referee Juan Luca Sacchi made the assistant Francesca Di Monte miss in the tunnel before Lecce-Sassuolo is not the result of sexism but of competitive “trance”, certainly of superficiality also considering that the top management (designator Rocchi first and foremost) has always recommended education and attention to every aspect to their referees (and also) the presence of cameras. Rocchi himself has already reprimanded Sacchi, whose justification was that he was worried about having to immediately shake hands with the Lecce captain after having shaken that of the Sassuolo graduate.

mountain surprise

Then, the slip up with Francesca Di Monte, who was very surprised but without complaining about any consequences. Certainly the non-gesture, the lack of attention towards the assistant on the part of Sacchi (the one who shouted without restraint in Medel’s face in Juve-Bologna two years ago and who blew the whistle early on Acerbi’s goal in Monza- Inter receiving a long stop from Rocchi) was not liked by the Aia leaders. In short, Sacchi is always at the center of discussions.
