Sabrina Ferilli, the selfie without makeup on Instagram

THEn waiting to return to the small screen with the new social-themed TV miniseries, which will start shooting in January 2023, Sabrina Ferilli, who has never been afraid to appear natural, enchants fans with a new no-makeup shot posted on Instagram. And at 58, the actress, who has been and continues to be one of the icons of Italian beauty, collects the likes of her followers with her unfiltered photos.

Sabrina Ferilli without makeup on Instagram

A naturalness in contrast with the trend of hyper-made-up influencers thanks also to apps, photographic filters and image manipulations through retouching and artificial intelligence, which makes the Roman diva even more appreciated. And that of Ferilli is a selfie that is the emblem of simplicity. The actress, who after a busy year is enjoying a vacation in Croatia, shows herself on a boat, with the sea and a promontory blurred in the background. And in the foreground, she, more beautiful than ever, with a glimpse of a black bikini and a pair of smoked sunglasseswith only a few words of comment: “We are between the sky and the sea“.

Comments from followers and stars

A natural pose and a poetic caption that immediately attracted the compliments from the followers, who have enhanced the natural beauty, but also from friends and colleagues from the entertainment world, by Sandra Milo, who replied with a series of little hearts, a Monica Leofreddi, who instead replied with 5 stars; to get to Elena Sofia Ricci who commented with an exhaustive «yeah…».

His relationship with beauty

And to think that, as a teenager, the actress was decidedly complex with regard to her appearance: “In middle school I was still saved – she said a few months ago in a television interview – but up to 25-26 years nobody courted me“.

But, he pointed out, “I didn’t feel ugly: they made me feel like the other kids“. But then, once she was successful, she saw some of those who “liked me and didn’t like them back”, and “I enjoyed it there“.

