S10 with extra wings towards the first semi-final | show

S10 set off for PalaOlimpico on Tuesday with a good feeling. The singer says she has slept well, is feeling good and is looking forward to the first semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest, she told the Dutch press who came to ‘farewell’ her at her hotel.

The nerves are not there yet, said S10 when she left. ,,It goes well. I feel today the best of all days so far. I also feel quite powerful. Yesterday it went well and that also gave me some extra wings.”

S10 already performed in front of the jury on Monday evening and with that her fate whether she makes it to the final is already half determined. She also became somewhat emotional during her performance. “I just let it go,” the singer said.


,,You define yourself a bit in the rehearsals and I will do that again this afternoon (during the last rehearsal, ed.)’, S10 continues. “You want to do it right. But if you then know: now people are watching behind a screen or in the hall, then you dare to let go a little more.”

Her rendition of her song De Diepte in the jury show was perhaps the best time so far, according to S10. “That really gave me a boost.” The singer is therefore confident that she will reach the top ten on Tuesday evening and with that a final ticket for Saturday. ,,I really hope so! When I hear ‘The Netherlands’ later, I will jump for joy.”

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