Ryan Gosling: He really wants to play this Marvel role

The rumor mill is bubbling: will Ryan Gosling take on the Marvel role Nova or not? The actor denied the assumption – but he was interested in another cast.

In an interview with MTV News, Gosling was quick to dismiss the Marvel rumor. He told reporter Josh Horowitz, “I don’t know anything about Nova if you want to ask me. It does not matter. I wasn’t right for the role.” Gosling isn’t entirely turned off by the idea of ​​playing a Marvel character, however. He joked, “I’ve been waiting for Captain Canada’s call.”

The “Captain Canada” character actually exists: she was created in a 1979 Canadian comic published in the “Newfoundland Herald” and is called – how else – “Captain Newfoundland”. In the comic strip, Captain Newfoundland is Captain Canada’s mentor. The latter is a mortal, while Captain Newfoundland belongs to a godlike race that once inhabited the lost city of Atlantis.

Horowitz also tweeted that Gosling revealed his dream role: “Ryan and I were chatting yesterday about the Nova rumors which he said weren’t true. BUT this morning Ryan got back to me and said there is a superhero he wants to play…GHOST RIDER”.

Watch Gosling’s interview with MTV News here:
