Ruud van Nistelrooij saw his team play well despite defeat

It was a crazy game in Groningen on Sunday afternoon. But for PSV it was mainly an annoying game. For the third time this season, it lost in an away game. This time after three goals against in six minutes. Still, Van Nistelrooij saw a good footballing PSV.

Written by

Yannick Wezenbeek

No, the trainer was obviously not satisfied with the result. But to sum up, Ruud van Nistelrooij came to the conclusion that PSV hadn’t played as badly as the result (4-2) suggested. “Based on the field game, how you play football yourself, how many chances you create and how dominant you are, it’s just a good game. That sounds strange, because the result is bad.”

Especially in the back it looked old-fashioned bad for the people from Brabant. Armando Obispo made a flashy mistake on the first goal against. Still, the coach remained mild for the central defender. “Making mistakes is possible and allowed. If you play that much, a slip can happen once. Only that after a set piece we are also sleeping, that is not possible.”

“In nine out of ten cases you win these kinds of matches.”

Luuk de Jong had to see from the bench how things went wrong for PSV in six dramatic minutes. He explained what he saw afterwards. “There was nothing wrong and then out of nowhere the 1-0 falls. They then get an energy and we lose it for a while. They score good goals, but this should never happen.”

The striker also saw that the Eindhoven team created enough opportunities, but the finishing was lacking. “In nine out of ten cases you win these kinds of matches. You don’t often see that you only score two goals with so many opportunities.”

“We have to go on and tomorrow we will get up again.”

So there was great disbelief at PSV. Especially because everyone thought that the top club had started the way up again. “We thought so too,” said the striker. “We’ve been doing really well lately and on the right track. It’s a shame you’re leaving today.”

The next game is on Thursday. Then Arsenal come to the Philips Stadium. Luuk de Jong can then play ninety minutes, if everything goes according to schedule. A boost that the people of Eindhoven can use. For now it is crying out and getting up or as Ruud van Nistelrooij said: “We have to keep going and tomorrow we will get up again.”

Also read: PSV goes down in Groningen after six dramatic minutes
